Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester

Why is it, that every time, without fail, we get the same achingly predictable response on social media from the useful idiots of the progressive left?

1. Stupidity. Thanks to a dumbed-down education system and ignorant, left-leaning teachers, a lot of people lack either the knowledge base or the intellectual capacity to understand that what’s going on here really is a Clash of Civilizations – not some series of random incidents provoked by “Islamophobia” and foreign policy
2. Ideology. Many Soros-funded progressives see Western Civilization as the problem. They want it to fail. They want open borders. They hate people who oppose these things far more than they hate terrorists.
3. Virtue-signalling. Tweeting your concerns about Islamophobia while the bodies from the latest Islamic atrocity are barely cold is a very fashionable way of showing how high-minded and decent you are. It means you are capable of rising above raw emotion and that you care about The Other.
4. Peer pressure. The liberal-left – most especially the arty and chattering class types I call the Wankerati – live in a bubble. They never associate with anyone who doesn’t think as stupidly as they do – therefore they never have original or insightful opinions.
5. Cowardice. They think if they don’t stick their heads above the parapet no one will notice. Or, as Churchill once put it: “Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last.”

The above is shamelessly plagiarized, but is wholeheartedly supported by me.


Now personally, I have absolutely no illusions of changing anyone's mind in this place. You people are too far gone. However, getting a different perspective other than the usual Clinton News Network, or Microsoft No Brain Channel never hurt anyone, except under communists or islamists, so enjoy while you can.

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Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester - by Ashock - 05-23-2017, 10:20 PM

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