Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester
(05-23-2017, 10:20 PM)Ashock Wrote: Now personally, I have absolutely no illusions of changing anyone's mind in this place. You people are too far gone. However, getting a different perspective other than the usual Clinton News Network, or Microsoft No Brain Channel never hurt anyone, except under communists or islamists, so enjoy while you can.

The thing that worries me most (and I am not a conspiracy theory fan) is that again (just after all the recent attacks) it turns out governments were warned in advance to watch this guy.....but they didn't.

GE develops a new body scanner and the US goverment obliges all airports to buy 10 of these scanners (we all know that is because those politicians (or their friends) have shares in the company.
Again and again, we are supposed to give up our privacy because then ''they'' can better protect us from terrorists but it turns out that these terrorist are known already..........and then we get the same excuse over and over again : we don't have the manpower to check on them.

5 different people (groups of people) have warned the british government about this Manchester terrorist: he was radicalizing too much (and that was coming from people from a quite conservative Mosque, he told friends that het thought suicide bombers were doing a good thing so his friends called the police (HIS FRIENDS), his father was part of an organization connected to Al Qaeda, his family called the police because they saw it was going the wrong way...................
................. but the police is too busy to follow him.

Let's just take the easy way out: 1 blame the left, 2 invest in companies we own shares in and 3 take away people's privacy.

(I can write a similar story for the Boston marathon attack, teh berlin attach, the paris attacks etc. etc,).

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RE: Katy Perry in the aftermath of Manchester - by eppie - 05-25-2017, 09:05 AM

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