Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet
People, for shame, we are being sucked in by a deliberate piece of trolling and Ignatz continues to define the rules of this particular piece of self-promotion

The word with which he has hijacked this thread is a race-hate word

I don't deny that it is possible to discuss this word in etymological and historical contexts without projecting racial hatred.

I simply mean that many people, myself included, look at Ignatz' post and think "he's taking the p*ss out of black people"

I for one don't know anything about spelling the word with an -a rather than an -er to convey a softer meaning. I've never heard of that. To me it's the same word, spelt so as to slip past the filter

And the N-word is a race-hate word, a taunt recalling the long history of misery inflicted upon black people during the years of slavery and colonialism

For anyone who thinks it is not offensive ask yourself whether you would repeat what he wrote in person to Mike Tyson. I suspect you wouldn't so I'd ask you to accept that you can conceive of a second person aside from myself who might consider this offensive. (Disclaimer: if any sceptic decides to test this out I am not liable for any personal injury you may suffer ;) )

The use of it here is offensive in more ways than one. Gratuitously throwing in the N-word just to troll a thread is offensive for the fact it's a race-hate taunt. It's offensive to the Lounge because we're being trolled by this idiot

For make no mistake, the use of this word is purely to attract this kind of attention

Bolty, shame on you

You know far better than to pander to this troll. He wants the consequences you hint at. Trolls love arguments, they always leave with the delusion that they have won them

You will not educate Ignatz by allowing him to boast about how clever and witty he is

Looking at it cynically, I did wonder if you were deliberately hoping to rake up a row, some pithy flames. We've many a time criticised Flux on these forums for manipulating his contributors (cf A Hacker's Plight). I don't think you'd stoop that low. Bear in mind that you may be, however, giving out that impression

Further the subject matter is so much more tawdry here. At least that idiot who wrote A Hacker's Plight might conceivably have an arguable case - that buying dupes for entertainment is valid. This idiot is just shouting out the most offensive word he can to get attention. Tourette's, indeed

Next, Bolty, you do realise that Ignatz will think he's out-smarted you. Isn't that just a tad embarassing?

There is no right of free speech here. It is a private forum and everything on it is, consequently, condoned by the owner. In allowing this guy to troll the forum using a race-hate word we may lose people. He is effectively representing the Lounge. How many posters & lurkers are we prepared to sacrifice for a thread which simply serves to inflate this pillock's ego and irritate the rest of us

To those who have got sucked into a debate on the historical and etymological aspects can I ask for less IQ more common sense. Anything you say will be twisted by Ignatz for self-validation. You are just feeding a troll. You also condone the use of the race-hate word by allowing this troll to lure you into debate

I hate the idea that new people may come here, see this and just tune this site out

I hate the idea that long-time posters and lurkers may see this thread and think "wow, they're all racists"

I personally had a long think about whether I wanted to continue to post here. I don't like racists and I don't want to associate with them. In the end I decided I would prefer to tackle the issue than to leave

This thread is a particular low point for the Lounge, a site which amongst other things promotes ethical gaming. How on Earth can Maphack be strictly outlawed but race-hate be borderline??? Just imagine, if you will, trying to explain that to a non-gamer

Can I respectfully request that this thread be nuked? Not just locked, but nuked. I also think that Ignatz has shown himself to be a drag on the discussions we have here, both in this thread and elsewhere. He's now had his moment of glory, could we show him the door please?

Bolty spoke of consequences. I imagine you were quite pleased, looking forward to the pleasure of pitting your wits against some of the finest debaters and flamers on the internet

The real consequences are not seven pages of argument but the fact that some people now dislike you. Just after your post you raised a question about something in another thread about something I had posted. I quite honestly couldn't bring myself to answer, I just didn't want anything to do with you

I didn't at first intend to respond here. As you know I first thought you must have mis-typed. I next thought I'd ignore it. Then I got upset by it. Finally last night I posted and am now following it up

I am not trolling or posting for the sake of being witty. I am offended and genuinely bothered by the shape this thread has taken

Is that what you wanted?

Now you can, if you choose, practice gettting more and more loud and offensive. The ultimate prize is that the only people who will tolerate your company are people who are equally loud and offensive

Please think about it

Messages In This Thread
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by Bob - 08-01-2003, 07:18 PM
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by Brista - 08-09-2003, 07:49 AM

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