The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards
Walkiry,Sep 14 2003, 10:20 AM Wrote:For that time you're going to need faster run boots and stamina potions, since your problem will be travelling time and not killing enough stuff to level up.

Have you noticed how annoying it is that, when you shoot the last javelin of your stack, the graphic disappears?
At slvl 11, it takes a LONG time to deliver the 1,000 damage. Barbs throw axes a couple times a sec, axes deliver enough damage to 2 hit kill anything in Act2 I've encountered. Even if that expands to 8 hits per kill (4 throws), I'm still much, much faster than poison. But you have a clvl6 skill and I need a clvl 12 skill. I don't need to lure anything, I can hit anything on the screen. Your time spent in luring is my time moving, plus monster distribution versus local terrain are rarely an issue for the barb. Poison needs to move monsters into clusters. I agree poison is fire and forget, but I have nothing left to "forget". Remember that our ground rules are very different, as a twinkie, I am amazed at your times. BTW, how are you resetting the game? (how do you avoid running the same map over and over?).

I'll look into Triumphant. Barb throwing axes get mana leech at clvl 3-4, just need to get on a javalin.

I don't need faster boots, I'll just twink into an appropriate waypoint. I'm thinking of starting the barb at Outer Cl.

Usually when I run out of both stacks, I have a pack after me and am too busy to notice anything beyond refill and fire. The annoying kill is loss of the skill on right click when javs exhaust.

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The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards - by Ferengi - 09-15-2003, 04:03 PM

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