The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards
Thanks for the kudos -- I would have been tweaking this some more with the stuff that Ferengi/Crystalion have mentioned, but I am currently away on business -- I have IP connectivity, but no Diablo :(

One of the reasons that I did tackle this in my fashion was that I did not really want to be constantly swapping gear to get to 8 -- it is true that I could stockpile a sigons set and high str items, but the time necessary to keep moving that gear back and forth may actually slow me down. Twinking gear with no level requirements was my goal since I can dump it and run....

The reason that I use lyncanthropy instead of WW after the first point is that I am pretty much 1-hit killing everything quickly enough anyway in act 1 -- the WW "IAS doubler" effect using Khalim's means you are swinging fast enough, and the life boost of lyncanthropy is more important that the attack speed boost. Again, as you continue doing this, you do find good no level twink charms, jewelry, etc.

I plan on twinking/tweaking this when I get back at home on Saturday -- the major thing would be finding some no/low level FRW boots and some WP boosting.

The best part about using a druid with this is for the skills -- druids have level ONE skills that give them life boosts, attack speed, and an semi area attack using poison creeper. In addition, a socketable wolf head can give you an even bigger boost right out of the gate (imaging scoring a +3 poison creeper/+3 lyncanthropy/+3 werewolf wolf head with sockets :))

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The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards - by Zofox - 10-13-2003, 07:41 PM

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