Unsubstantiated rumour or point of fact?
Apparently, when Saddam Hussein was asked, armed as he was with a pistol, why he did not "fight back" he is reported to have pointed at the American soldiers who had captured him and said:

"Would you fight against those guys?'' A bit of a left handed compliment, and curious if true. Given that he was down in a hole and they could have fragged him in a heartbeat, I'd say he recognized a few sober tactical realities and demonstrated once again his strong Will To Survive. He's still alive, right?

I have heard that snippet from a couple of different media sources, but it may also be one of those "Iraqi Urban Legends" that will no doubt have sprung up regarding the capture.

And as to what is apparently not an urban legend:

McDermott questions timing of arrest
By Alex Fryer
Seattle Times Washington bureau

Rep. Jim McDermott aired his skepticism of Saddam Hussein's capture, speaking on the Dave Ross radio show yesterday.

WASHINGTON — On Seattle radio yesterday, Rep. Jim McDermott questioned the timing of Saddam Hussein's capture, saying, "I'm sure they could have found him a long time ago if they wanted to." His comments came during an interview on "The Dave Ross Show" on KIRO-FM. "I've been surprised they waited, but then I thought, well, politically, it probably doesn't make much sense to find him just yet," he said.

"There's too much by happenstance for it to be just a coincidental thing that it happened on this particular day," he continued.

Occhinote: You've got to be kidding me, sir. You sincerely believe that it was deliberately delayed (a coup of the highest sort, capturing Saddam Hussein) until after the elections in Nov, and that Saddam's capture was deliberately delayed in the face of considerable political pressure over the entire Iraq War? What sensible conspiracy theory makes this belief make sense?

Later yesterday, the Seattle Democrat said he did not know whether the Pentagon had manufactured the arrest of the Iraqi leader. "I think the fact is that the administration has been desperate to find something (positive), and this came up.

Quote:Occhinote:  That may be true, or not.  "Good" news never sucks when you are running a war.

"I don't have any knowledge if they knew about it (Saddam's hideout). I think they (Bush administration) got a Christmas present early." State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance quickly launched a statement condemning McDermott's earlier statements.

Occhinote: No surprises there.

"Once again McDermott has embarrassed this state with his irresponsible ranting." Despite the capture of the Iraqi leader, McDermott said Americans should remain concerned about the welfare of U.S. troops. "My worry is that problems will be just as bad tomorrow," said McDermott, who has represented the 7th District since 1988. "... It is not the end of the problem. The fact that he is in captivity does not change things."

Quote:Occhinote: that last rings truer than some might like to admit.  Still a lot of trouble and hard work left to do in Iraq before we discharge our responsibilities to that nation.

McDermott's comment stands in contrast to other members of the state's delegation, who lauded Saddam's capture. In September 2002, McDermott made news when he traveled to Iraq and told television interviewers that President Bush would mislead the public to justify an invasion. It's an incident that continues to reverberate on Capitol Hill.

Occhinote: And that message still get sent by others.

Two months ago, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, wrote McDermott a personal letter after McDermott denounced a comment by a member of DeLay's office. The staffer said McDermott had attacked the U.S. while he visited Iraq. Instead of an apology, DeLay wrote: "Your words, had they been spoken in the United States, would have amounted to mean-spirited but predictable mediocre hackery. That they were uttered in Saddam's Iraq, however, perhaps within shouting distance of a torture chamber or mass grave, elevated (or lowered) those remarks to the sickening embarrassment they were."

Occhinote: Political scrapping, such fun, such a gentleman's game, eh? Maybe the old Aaron Burr/ALexander Hamilton forms should be readpoted, or even Sam Houstons' approach, and members of Congress should start challenging each other to duels: with whipped cream pies, water pistols, paint guns, or mud wrestling.
Alex Fryer: 206-464-8124 or afryer@seattletimes.com. Seattle Times staff reporter J. Patrick Coolican contributed to this report.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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Unsubstantiated rumour or point of fact? - by Occhidiangela - 12-16-2003, 10:00 PM
Unsubstantiated rumour or point of fact? - by Guest - 12-17-2003, 08:49 AM

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