Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
I loved the voice-acting on the lady in the underworks on Taris. You know the one who wants you to help the man being pursued by the Rakghoul on the other side of the gate. It tears me up inside every time I hear her lines.


Just got back from my Christmas shopping. Bought Knights of the old republic for my 24-year old brother. If he doesn't like it ...... :P

edit: damn it!! I knew there was something I had forgotten. I forgot to bring the vaccine and the diaries to the people in the underworks! Arg!!

Well.. does it really matter? They're dead now anyways.. Still; I'd like to have gotten the light side- and experience points.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by [wcip]Angel - 12-22-2003, 02:06 PM

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