Warcry Variant
Really tempted to make a Warcry barb. I had one in 1.08 that I loved playing.

What I'm thinking is a very expensive build that really would be a great party character, but leveling him up would be painful and solo would be very difficult if not impossible.

Level 99

20 Howl
20 Taunt
20 Battle Cry
20 Battle Orders
20 Warcry
01 Battle Command
01 Leap
01 Increased Stamina
01 Increased Speed
01 Iron Skin
01 Natural Resistance

(for a more reasonable level 80 nix howl)

Pure vitality build.
Enigma Breastplate, dual HOTO battle hammers, Harlequin crest, 2 sojs, maras, silkweave, Arachnid mesh, frostburn.

That's +16all (including BC), max resists, huge life and substantial mana, and ample fast cast.

Messages In This Thread
Warcry Variant - by IShiva - 02-21-2004, 07:46 AM
Warcry Variant - by Zyr - 02-21-2004, 05:11 PM
Warcry Variant - by IShiva - 02-21-2004, 06:24 PM
Warcry Variant - by Baajikiil - 02-24-2004, 01:29 AM
Warcry Variant - by Bloodshrike - 03-05-2004, 06:56 PM

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