Sketching in galleries and museums?! The nerve!
Thanks for the info, and it does raise more questions.

They mentioned moral rights, now I could be mistaken here. But moral rights as I understand it is this,

I have a hard time seeing how sketching something for personal or educational purpose alters the original work. I don't claim that my sketch of another's work is now my own, and I seriously doubt I would publish these type of sketches anywhere. Anymore than anyone else would publish their study notes as an original novel.

>So, as suggested in the original link that Hammerskjold provided, it seems that it is not the ROM that sets restrictions. It is the lending institution. And I find it hard to fault the ROM on this. They have to make a choice between not providing an interesting exhibit loaned from another institution or not fullfilling their mandate to make objects accessible to all.

Yes, I don't really blame the host either. I do think things like this policy is way too ham fisted.

>I can understand completely with the restrictions when there are living artists> involved. I have major problems when it involves something like the Ancient Egypt exhibition that was at the ROM last year.

You nailed it right on the head, some works came from eras where the creators don't\can't sign their names. 'Anonymous' is not just a name of a Greek sculptor.


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Sketching in galleries and museums?! The nerve! - by Hammerskjold - 01-21-2005, 03:37 AM

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