Germans were the first with useable atomics?!?
Doc,Mar 16 2005, 02:39 PM Wrote:And never fight a land war in Asia!
Unless you're Mongolian or Chinese. :)
Still, allthough his timing for the attack wasn't exactly "perfect", it really went rather well, circumstances taken into account. He came pretty close to the capitol regardless of the early and exceptional hard winter, the "burnt lands tactic" deployed by the soviets and sabotaged supply-lines. Now that's pretty impressive.

Ashock,Mar 17 2005, 12:48 AM Wrote:Wow, you must be clairvoyant to have figured out that I am abviously compensating for my small penis.
Wow. Yeah - so, I know I'm new and all, meaning I probably should wait a little before making these comments, but I cannot just let that one pass.
That one sounds like a huge (*snicker*) freudian slip :D
Cool down man, you're being more destructive to the thread than the guy you're attacking...

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Germans were the first with useable atomics?!? - by pazuzu - 03-17-2005, 02:58 AM

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