Your worst group?
Lately? :)

That last worst group was the VC raid with MJ (Grizabella) leading, and we had another Lurker (Priest or Paladin) but I forget now who that was (speak up :) ). We added two more to the party, a hunter I believe (who was good), and a Mage. I had at earlier in the day attempted to get together a run with my Warlock, but there were too many soft-shelled types and this group wiped at Gilnid when the rogue pulled Gilnid and 2 or 3 adds, so I switched to my Warrior Brynmawgr, who was also ready for VC.

A few things to note; this was my first time tanking VC, so I was feeling less than expert on exactly how to manage all the encounters. This was the first time I had every teamed up with a mage that uses "Sheep", other than for extreme situations. Before this my standard group tanking tactic was to grab and hold all the activated mobs, focusing on aggroing each enough to hold them while the team pummels each in turn to pulp. I guess no one else in other pickup groups I was in previously really understood crowd control. With two mages it was doubly hard to know which of the adds was going to be sheeped, so we ended up with alot of popped sheep in this run. All in all, though we made it to the docks in pretty good shape. I'm feeling MJ is a little on edge at this point due to how messy some of our scrims are, plus at this point the mage has already picked up at least one BOP item she could not use.

At the ramp to the ship we err'd in not pulling and removing the bodyguards first, so it was decided that I would tank the Tauren boss while everyone else would take out the bodyguards. Well, during the second round of the Tauren stunning everyone to switch weapons, people are dropping behind me. 3 of the party died. We regroup, fight past the patrols and make it to the ship. We fight to the back of the ship and take out cookie, and he drops the BOP meat tenderizer -- we discuss who should get it and just when I agree my warrior could use it, the mage grabs the BOP mace. Doh! Then she tries to make the excuse that she did not know it was BOP. Double Doh!!

Here is where the trouble begins. :( We clear the lower decks without trouble, but as we are trying to make the last turn, we attract Captain Greenskin and he scrams the ship down upon us. Some of us make it to jump into the water, but we have at least three deaths. After again fighting past the patrols, the group tries again. Same result and we have 2 more deaths. By now, the docks NPC's had respawned, and so after reconstituting we again fight our way to that point. The third attempt, I tell MJ that being a dwarf has a liability in line of sight, so how about someone standing back and watching to make sure Greenskin is clear, then we all made a dash up to the top. Whew! Finally! We systematically work the mobs up on the top of the ship, and even pulling Captain Greenskin with his adds went well.

Time to pull Van Cleef, and MJ clearly gives instructions for me to tank VC, while everyone else kills the bodyguards, the right one first, then left one. I'm tanking VC and I notice his life bar dropping quickly, and at first I'm thinking I'm "Super Dwarf" back off a little. I try do more shield bashes and lower damage attacks and still VC is dying too fast. Yes, you guessed it. Our darling mage was full on blasting VC. Now, extra bodyguards spawn before the first are dead, people are dropping behind me and shortly we have a full wipe.

This one was the most painful because at this point we had HOURS invested in getting though VC, and we were minutes from completing the mission, bar the stupidity of one mage who would not follow the leaders directions.

But, in true Lurker spirit we waited an hour and this time with a full Lurker contingent did the full deadmines run in less than an hour with no drama.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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