Let's revisit some forum history
By far, the most hilarious threads here were shortly after Lord of Destruction was released. Those threads were never intended to be hilarious, but they always made me laugh for the sheer drama and absurdity of them. Back then, this forum exploded in population in a relatively short amount of time. It was one of the top sources of LoD information, and links to articles here were posted directly from the main Battle.net website. "Shlonglor" (you might also know him as GFrasier) posted here regularly.

I think the Lounge was hosted by a big gaming network site back then (netgames.com or something like that? It's gone now).

I really admire the job Bolty did keeping things relatively under control during that time. Moderating the huge amount of crap must have been a 48 hour per day job. As good a job as the moderators were doing, they couldn't keep up with everything. Every now and then, threads went from sublime to ridiculous in a short order of time.

Here are a few threads I fondly recall. I can't find any links to them (just how far back do the archives go?).

Superstar internet gamer of immense e-fame disses Diablo

I don't remember what the guy's name was, but shortly after LoD went retail he posted a really insane rant about how D2LoD was so incredibly easy it was only a game for light-weight gameplayers. TRUE gamers would never go near it. He went on and on about how he was able to create a 100% PERFECT IN EVERY WAY character in like a week (pretty sure it was a Barbarian) that could easily solo 8-players Act 5.

He also made it a point to say how he was a very famous e-gamer, known by every internet citizen worth his/her salt. He might actually have been of some e-fame, I don't know. If he was, I suspect it through whatever FPS flavour-of-the-day was making the rounds. His posts in that thread were really long and detailed, but ranked really high on the "I am above you and your pissant little game" meter.

Forum "regular" gets busted for Maphack

Again, I don't really remember who it was. I do recall that it was someone who had been around the forums for awhile.

This person made a thread titled something like "Is Blizzard making a secret server-side joke?", and proceeded to post a screenshot. I'm a bit hazy on the exact details of the screenshot, but I do believe it was just a shot of a chatlog in which he queried the server with /time and the autoresponse was from something called "mouse.net" instead of "battle.net". Anyways, the details don't matter much. What really mattered was that it was a 100% positive indication of Maphack usage.

The first reply in the thread busted him on the Maphack, which was funny enough. The thread got really out-of-control with drama after the original poster blew a gasket defending his use of Maphack. I guess there was no point in denying it then. He went on and on about how Maphack wasn't really cheating and everyone does it and he doesn't really look at the mini-map after all and OH MAN THIS FORUM REALLY SUCKS YOU ALL SUCK!

Larzuk's secret porn stash

This was the funniest screenshot thread I have ever seen here. Period.

Spiderdrake's rant about things that make no sense in D2LoD

"Can you smell what the Ormus is cooking?"

The one thread that was absolutely fabulous didn't occur during this time period, but it bears mention in every "Hey, remember this funny Lurker Lounge thread?" thread.

The PETE conspiracy

Pure genius.

Messages In This Thread
Let's revisit some forum history - by DeeBye - 04-16-2005, 03:02 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Doc - 04-16-2005, 03:13 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by DeeBye - 04-16-2005, 03:28 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Nystul - 04-16-2005, 07:43 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by [wcip]Angel - 04-16-2005, 09:27 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Guest - 04-16-2005, 06:48 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by DeeBye - 04-17-2005, 02:16 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by whyBish - 04-17-2005, 07:37 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Kylearan - 04-17-2005, 03:57 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by ShadowHM - 04-17-2005, 04:17 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Jester - 04-17-2005, 05:17 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Griselda - 04-17-2005, 07:10 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Ashock - 04-17-2005, 07:58 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by DSTheHermit - 04-17-2005, 10:39 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Guest - 04-17-2005, 11:58 PM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Ashock - 04-18-2005, 12:59 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Nystul - 04-18-2005, 01:15 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Skandranon - 04-18-2005, 01:24 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Ashock - 04-18-2005, 01:56 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Guest - 04-18-2005, 03:04 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Doc - 04-18-2005, 03:33 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Ashock - 04-18-2005, 06:52 AM
Let's revisit some forum history - by Sailboat - 04-18-2005, 03:59 PM

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