Is the (Holy) Paladin the better Warrior?
Tal,May 2 2005, 06:01 PM Wrote:Fury to garner threat, Salvation to cut your/others threat level.

I play a protection-spec warrior...however, for solo/DPS work, I carry a big two-hander, and have it trained up. I have Cruelty, Deflection (parry), Tac Mastery, and Piercing Howl, so, she's not all protection by any means. I consider all those except maybe Cruelty as defensive in nature, though.

I use the two-hander on mobs I'm tearing through, particularly one-on-one, or two-on-one, but if it gets to three, or if they start hitting me too hard, it's back to the one-hand and shield....solo speed isn't bad, and I rarely die. The cruelty makes a huge diff in solo speed, gets mobs down to 20% quicker. And 20% left on the mob is all you need, as a warrior who routinely drops 800+ damage on an execute, and crits over 2000 on it. (lvl 50)

And, I still shine in instances. Ok, a pally can tank an easy instance, but, let's face it...I'd rather have that pally off-tanking and filling holes while I do the aggro tricks I'm trained/built for, to have those mobs beating on me while the pally uses his best damage to beat on them. My role is to soak up the damage.

I duo a lot with my best buddy, who has a hunter. If things are going along well, I have the two-hander on, the pet tanks, I'm just a smart pet/more damage/execute finisher. If things go bad, weap switch, stance switch, voila, in 2 seconds, I'm the tank, and we can make it through somehow. For really difficult stuff, add my other friend, a healer, put on my shield, and become almost unkillable, unless we pull too many mobs.

Also, a warrior and a pally make a really good duo. The warrior can go DPS, as the pally can take damage, too, but if it starts to go bad on you, go defensive, pull the mobs off the pally, and the pally heals the warrior. This can go on for days! :blush:

Now, as for straight solo? The pally can heal himself. Which means he can do orange quests routinely solo, while the warrior has to like dying a lot to do the same. 'nuff said. If it's a question of solo survivability/efficiency, you'll never play a warrior.


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Is the (Holy) Paladin the better Warrior? - by savaughn - 05-02-2005, 07:53 PM
Is the (Holy) Paladin the better Warrior? - by Mavfin - 05-03-2005, 07:39 AM

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