The adventures of fufu the wonder scorpid
nobbie,May 12 2005, 03:02 AM Wrote:A slightly OT question:

I see a lot Hunters using 2 daggers (dual-wield). Is this more recommended for melee than a 2-handed Axe, and if, why?

I think that it'd be completely personal preference. I really like the look of two one handed swords, and so use that. Daggers don't quite do it for me, so I haven't used them in quite some time. Strictly personally speaking, dual wield feels like it does more damage, faster.

So from what I've been able to garner, it's all about personal preference. Hunter's don't generally tend to go melee if it can be helped, so there is a lot more leeway here than say a warrior or rogue's choices.
~Not all who wander are lost...~

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The adventures of fufu the wonder scorpid - by Mirajj - 05-12-2005, 04:32 PM

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