Mini Patch 1.8.4
I actually see it as encouraging AFKs even more.

I spent my BG time this weekend consistently losing to the uber guilds. I only saw one maybe two PUGs in about 15-20 matches. Not because PUGs weren't there, but because people would AFK out of matches without PUGs.

Uber-horde honor farming guild enters WSG with Uber-alliance honor farming guild.
They realize who they are up against, and that the battle will be (at least) long or (at worst) lost. They wait for the 30 seconds to go cry, then ALL AFK out.
PUG-ies who are queued enter instance as the match is starting, with no raid group, no nothing. Just one PUG-ie is needed, as this makes it impossible for uber-horde guild from getting into the instance, since they 'join as group'.

uber-horde farming guild now has a second chance at a PUG-alliance group.

PUG-ies have no chance of getting a different instance, because if they AFK out and join the queue they will very likely end up in exactly the same place.

In this scenario, one I encountered several times in about 20 matches this weekend, the PUG group doesn't have a chance, not just because they are a PUG, but also because the uber-horde honor farming guild left with only ~30 seconds left to start so they could be assured that someone was in queue ahead of them, and they wouldn't accidentally end up in the same instance again. So while the alliance is headed over to destroy the PUG, the PUG is busy getting a raid together, buffing, and doing all the things you'd normally do in the first 2 minutes.

I never saw 3 caps before the instance closed due to too few horde, but I did see 2 + the third to midfield.

10 minutes to get a losing mark will only encourage the PUG people to simply leave. Only the AFK debuff or a major restructuring of the way BGs work will solve the problems I see in the BGs on horde-side Terenas. There are only a select few who never run. I know them all when I see them and have great respect for them.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

Messages In This Thread
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Mirajj - 12-06-2005, 05:43 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Rinnhart - 12-06-2005, 08:49 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Quark - 12-06-2005, 09:15 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Pesmerga - 12-06-2005, 09:18 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Quark - 12-06-2005, 09:20 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by oldmandennis - 12-06-2005, 09:22 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Pesmerga - 12-06-2005, 09:29 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Quark - 12-06-2005, 09:31 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Concillian - 12-06-2005, 10:17 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by vor_lord - 12-06-2005, 10:54 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Quark - 12-06-2005, 11:17 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Bolty - 12-07-2005, 12:11 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Xame - 12-07-2005, 01:14 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by LochnarITB - 12-07-2005, 02:46 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Xukuth - 12-07-2005, 03:26 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Dozer - 12-07-2005, 04:30 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Rinnhart - 12-07-2005, 07:37 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by savaughn - 12-07-2005, 02:42 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by ima_nerd - 12-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Quark - 12-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Concillian - 12-07-2005, 09:44 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Kevin - 12-07-2005, 10:28 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Concillian - 12-07-2005, 11:03 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by oldmandennis - 12-08-2005, 12:15 AM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by Brother Laz - 12-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Mini Patch 1.8.4 - by oldmandennis - 12-08-2005, 06:39 PM

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