Priest Thekal
Ok, that is, what we are doing:

Phase I is pretty simple. Just tank all 3 guys.

Thekal hits hard with mortal strikes, so just tank him and dps with ranged, death zone for all melee.
Zath (left) is rogue-like, he can blind an stun the tank and has something like blade flurry. Just tank him with a warrior to be able to taunt him back after a stun/blind. A pala as off-tank is a good idea - he can throw in some stuns and take the aggro when the tank is stunned/blinded. Usually we take another rogue to chain-stun Zath with kidney-shot (dont let more than one rogue do this because of diminishing returns).
Lor'khan (right) has a dispellable lightning shield and is able to heal himself. You will have time enough to counter this when the animation starts but watch out anyway.

We start the fight with killing the tigers and letting the tanks build up some aggro and pull their targets to their positions. We tank Thekal in the opening because we do Phase II with our raidgroup all with their backs on the wall and the tanks between Thekal and the Healers/Ranged. After killing the tigers main target for all ranged is Thekal, while the hunterpets and rogues stick with Zath. Usually we switch the targets at about 20% to Lor'Khan and bring him down first, than the other two. That means end of Phase I and the start of Phase II.

Phase II is a little nasty, because the group has to become used to the situation. In this Phase Thekal transforms into a big Tiger and has two different aoe-knockbacks. Both can be dodged/resisted. He also summons 2 tiger-adds from time to time. The key to Phase II is aggro management and crowdcontrol. There are multiple choices you can make to handle the adds. We usually kill them right after they spawn. Just fear them away (priest, warlock or flashbombs) and kill them with hunterpets and ranged-dps. It's vital for the entire group that everyone heals themselves with bandages and whipper-root/heal pots. The only chars that are healed are the tanks. Everytime Thekal does a knockback he will kind of reset the aggro. Thats the key to success, because all the ranged dps classes will have to learn when to stop and when to restart the fire on Thekal. If you look closely, you will see that Thekal does an animation like jumping in the air before doing the knockback wave. That's the moment for your tank to taunt him. If the tank does this correctly everything will be fine, because he will never lose the aggro. The rest of the fight is pure damage and Thekal will go down fast. He does not have much hit points while in tigerform.

It's essential that everyone knows exactly what to do - if everyone sticks to the plan, this fight will become trivial.

My English isnt that great - so, to give you an idea of this setup i have posted a link below of a kill last week. Its not even a good try but one that went horribly wrong due to various lags. That way we lost a lot of damage at the beginning of phase II, but anyway its just to show our basic setup for this fight. Without lags we usually do this fight with max. 2 dead hunters ^^

Anyway the video may kind a funny, cause its a last pala standing style... you'll see :P;444...einfo.html

maybe i will post an update in a couple of days... with a better fight (just to keep our honor :blush: )

Messages In This Thread
Priest Thekal - by Zarathustra - 12-02-2005, 06:11 AM
Priest Thekal - by oldmandennis - 12-02-2005, 06:51 AM
Priest Thekal - by Tuftears - 12-02-2005, 08:38 AM
Priest Thekal - by Bolty - 12-02-2005, 12:55 PM
Priest Thekal - by lfd - 12-02-2005, 01:38 PM
Priest Thekal - by Quark - 12-02-2005, 04:38 PM
Priest Thekal - by Arethor - 12-02-2005, 05:23 PM
Priest Thekal - by Skandranon - 12-02-2005, 07:46 PM
Priest Thekal - by Ashkael - 12-05-2005, 05:52 AM
Priest Thekal - by mm262 - 12-13-2005, 11:59 PM

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