This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity
Occhidiangela,Dec 23 2005, 02:28 PM Wrote:I suggest you spend a little time on the critiques of evolution's strengths and weaknesses, and its underlying assumptions, before you settle on

"It's good enough for me."

Intelligent Design, if it isn't merely a smoke screen for Creationism, has a whole lot further to go, and a lot of evidence to uncover to support it, if it wants to catch up with the century and a half of work that has gone into various branches of biology and zoology and botany that have based their research on the theory of evolution being valid.

The major problem of ID as I see it is trying to prove agency.  (Evolution is in a similar boat on initial conditions).  It might take a miracle  . . .  ;)


I have thought about these things often. (and I did not say that it was good enough for me, I said "it says enough".

Being a scientist myself I know who these things work, you try things, you have to prove them, other people try to see if you are right etc.etc.

Evolution, is unlike a lot of other theories attacked very often and is still standing. Even more so, it is attacked by the christian in other fields very powerful group, but here they are just on the losing side of things.

So a group of people decide to come up with another theory....that almost looks like science (ID) and try to use this to win more souls for religion.

Still ID does not go farther then finding a for now unexplained part of biolology and telling that that is so strange that it can not have been formed by evolution.

And that puts them directly on the same level as religious people again. Trying to have discussion without evidence....and also without evidence against it.

In Holland a very renowned scientist also believes in ID, and even edited a book on it.....well lets say people are not taking him more serious now. (he still is respected as a scientist though....scientists are very forgiving :D )

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This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 06:39 AM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 06:52 AM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:05 PM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:10 PM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:19 PM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:40 PM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:54 PM
This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 03:55 PM
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This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by Guest - 12-23-2005, 07:39 PM
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This re-instated what passes for faith in humanity - by eppie - 12-29-2005, 10:23 AM

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