Nice to see O'Bama working on getting rid of midnight Bush rules
I saw on CNN that the O'Bama admin is working on clearing out some of the "Moral Objection" B.S. that was enacted ahead of his administration and became active on the day he took office. I wonder how well these "moral objectionists" from the Family Research Counsel, etc. would have liked it if their grandparents' / parents' docs didn't mention the polio vaccine because they didn't believe in it, and felt it was morally superior to not discuss it. Oh wait, they'd either not be hear, or still sitting in an iron lung somewhere:P

I personally find it frightening that the Dubya administration allowed doctors, etc. to not provide information a all on things they didn't believe in. That the doctors could refuse to administer such treatment, etc. I wonder if the rule set would have protected a doctor who encountered Rush Limbaugh in a life threatening situation, and who decided not to treat him, because the doctor didn't believe in treating conservative drug users?:P

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Nice to see O'Bama working on getting rid of midnight Bush rules - by Tris - 03-01-2009, 11:00 PM

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