Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share.
I figured I would revisit this thread, and add some opinion / info on the gear upcoming in 4.1 with the 2 new troll heroics. There is *almost* a full set of tanking gear to be had between the 2 new dungeons. Here we go, Piece by Piece.


4.1 brings us: Spiritshield Mask

This helm is..... Well.... it's ok. if you don't need threat, (and not too many people do) it is better than all of the ilvl346 helms, but it isn't going to give you better itemization than a raid helm that you might already have, or ENG's WonkaVision. it is definitely a stepping stone towards a Raid Helm, and better CTC than the Rep helm.


4.1 Brings us: Amulet of Protection.

This Neck is..... AMAZING. Short of one of the new necks from Al'akir, or a 372 Mastery Piece, this is your BiS piece.


4.1 Brings us Pauldrons of Sacrifice

These are REALLY nice shoulders. They aren't as good as either of the BoE's, but they are better than all the Blues. So, if you don't have a set of the BoE shoulders, and don't have a shoulder token (if you are planning to use shoulders) these are great. Good CTC. Favorable Socket color. These would immediately jump to #2 on the "raid ready list" behind the BoE's.


4.1 Brings = Spiritguard Drape .

Don't bother. It is worse than the rep cloak. It is worse than the Crafted Blue. It is Worse CTC than either Heroic Cloak.


4.1 Brings us Battleplate of the Amani Empire

I didn't think it was possible to find a worse tanking option than the crafted Chest. Apparently, I was wrong.


4.1 Brings us Amani Armguards

They are just as uninspiring as the chest. 346 blues are better. Clone of the 359 repic bracers, but 6 ilvls less. Don't bother unless you don't have Alpha bracers / Rotating Bands / Repics.


4.1 Brings us Bone Plate Handguards

If you are still using Gnomebliteration, they are better than those. They are not better than the JP purchased tank gloves, or Fingers of Light. Pass unless you have the <346


4.1 Brings us Coils of Hate

I like this belt. Why? Because it is a viable alternative to the crafted belt. Have cash? Get crafted belt. It is 6 ilvls better. Don't have Cash? Go looking for this. Good belt, but not better than the crafted.


4.1 Brings us Legguards of the Unforgiving

These could quite possibly be the BiS raiding legs unless you are getting hard mode tokens. Superb CTC coverage. For Paladins, these are better than the T11 Ret Legs you are tanking with. They are better than the Atramedes Legs. Depending on your class, they are better than the t11 tank legs. Give these a long hard look. They are FANTASTIC.


4.1 Brings us Skullcrusher Warboots

these are substandard when compared to the Rep Boots from the Twilight Highlands. If there are plate DPSers in the party let them snag them.


4.1 brings us 2 rings. Band of the Gurubashi Berserker and Talonguard Band

The First ring is threat and threat only, and the second one is a "tank" ring. Both are substandard, and fall short of the better itemized 346 rings.


4.1 brings us 2 weapons. Rentaki's Soul Slicer, and Broodlord's Protector.

While the Soul Slicer has threat stats, it can be reforged to be the superior tank weapon. I don't particularly care for the Protector's double Avoidance. It will fall behind in CTC coverage for shield tanks compared to 346 mastery weapons, but due to higher ilvl will give better overall threat.

Reforged Trollbane looks like a FANTASTIC Tanking Weapon. Jeklik's Smasher is also pretty nice, though the Trollbane does win in terms of "quality stats".


4.1 brings us Shield of the Blood God, and an archaeology BoA Extinct Turtle Shield

These are both, VERY nice shields. The Crafted shield will still be BiS pre-raid though due to its socket, but the Troll Shield is still VERY nice.

So that is the run down of tank gear from 4.1 There are 2 interesting AGI pieces that paladins might look into since Mastery is king, and AGI doesn't suck for us: Arlokk's Signet, Amulet of the Watcher Both are pretty decent pieces themselves, and give paladins a few more options until Blizzard fixes how AGI works for paladins.

This list is my opinion. When I evaluate tank gear, I'm looking for CTC. (Combat Table Coverage). Threat is largely irrelevant right now thanks to Vengeance. If/when blizzard finds a way to reign it in, then I will start to worry about threat stats. Until then, Making sure that I'm upright and tanking bosses is Priority #1. This means that I devalue threat stats, and that Mastery > Dodge / Parry, since I'm looking for the closest to 102.4 as possible.
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RE: Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share. - by shoju - 04-18-2011, 04:19 PM

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