Thoughts on how to improve the current system
Once again, I disagree completely. An overwhelming majority of the GOP has those characteristics, and certainly, ALL the current crop of candidates for our so-called upcoming election have most if not all of these characteristics. If you deny this, well, then you are not watching too carefully. Or maybe what they say isn't deemed as racist or bigoted to you, but unless one doesn't read between the lines, I cannot see how one cannot come to that conclusion. Sorry to say. Shall I provide links of them making comments in the context of these things? Cause I easily can.

This has nothing to do with conspiracy theories, and everything to do with a fact of the material conditions of our society: We ARE forced to live a certain lifestyle. Your survival is dependent and tied to the economy in Capitalism. You have to work, usually long and very hard, just to ensure your basic needs are met, do you not? As I said before, it is a system that is the ridiculous belief that somehow the most corrupt and greedy of people for the most corrupt and greedy of reasons, somehow have all of our best interests in mind. This is laughable at best. If you want conspiracy theories, go watch nut jobs like Alex Jones or something.

Secondly, you seem to not understand my point at all. Americans who control the means to production, and thus control every aspect of our society DO have a choice, the rest of us, not so much. Both parties are puppets of the ruling class - how is that a choice? Sure, we can change it, but only through revolutionary means. Going to the ballot box wont change shit, and if you think otherwise, than you are just a tool of the system - no offense. Was Obama's election not proof enough for you that our system is rigged and controlled by an elite few, and that change will never come through "democratic" means? Americans are conditioned to think they have a choice. So, you can keep believing that we are Democracy and that we have a choice at the ballot box and that we can achieve fundamental change in our Capitalist society. I know better than to fall for such naivety though. This isn't rocket science. Those who control society economically, also control it politically and culturally too.

We didn't make this country, it MADE US. Human nature doesn't make society. Society, rather, determines human nature and behavior. There is no such thing as individual human nature that we are born with (other than to survive and procreate) that in turn determines the society we live in, many people think this is the case. But many people are also very incorrect. Human nature is something that can, and does, change as the material conditions around us change.

Getting rid of this Congress will do absolutely nothing. You will just get a new set of jerk wads in there to uphold the interests of the ruling class and then we are back to square one.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Thoughts on how to improve the current system - by FireIceTalon - 01-05-2012, 09:52 PM

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