Lurker Lounge Podcast - Episode 1 is Live.
I enjoyed this week more than last week. It makes me wonder if maybe it was just that knowing some of the people made some of the history convos more repetitive for me since last week was more of an intro episode. I'm not sure, but I did want to express that I enjoyed this one much better.

Then again, maybe I just hate Frag and so him not being there made it better! I kid! I kid! Frag knows I love him. (I still say he has brought out the best of me as a player more than anyone else. He is the only one who ever really made me strive to do better.) There were actually moments where I missed him being there. He gets so into the details of how things work that in some moments I thought his perspective would have been nice. So I think that points to there being a good mix of people on the show.

The ending felt a little bit sudden. I am curious if you have any length goal in mind or if it is more a Blizzard style "as long as it takes" type format. I can't really decide if I'd prefer it short (30 min) or longer (60 min) so I'm thinking it varying based on what is needed to cover things may be best. Would be good to know what your plans are there though.

As to a previous topic of vid/audio I'd say that currently I am enjoying having the video with it, but I do think that eventually just audio would be better unless the video was somehow relevant to the discussion. That would just be a ton of work and probably not worth it though. Currently it is most of the exposure I'm getting to how the game looks (I'm lazy and don't seek things out) and so it is interesting to watch while you talk. After the game is out though I can play myself while listening and I think that will work well. I'm sure some people will find that sacrilegious since it'll be ignoring the in game music and such which for a lot of people is half the point of the game, but I tune a lot of that out anyway. Which could be a topic for you guys. How many of you play with just game sounds/music and how many end up putting other music on. Obviously you can't judge that too well for D3 yet, but with past games. For me in a D2 style game I'd probably play through once with just the game stuff, but then when I go back (or go over the same content in a harder mode) I'll add in other things since the mood only holds me typically for the one sitting.

A topic more directed at Bolty than Chess/etc, I wonder if Chess can have access to posting in this forum so he can make a new thread for each episode. It'd be a little easier to notice when an episode comes out and more content for the front page seems a good thing to me. Plus I'm much more likely to comment on here than on youtube and so a thread to reply to individual episodes could be good I think. Just my thoughts though as somebody not involved in it at all.

In a similar vain, I think it would be awesome if when the show goes audio only there would be direct mp3 files to download and not just from itunes. (I soooo hate that program and it might make me not listen if I had to use it) I realize hosting is an issue there which is why I said in a similar vain... cause I recall Bolty once saying the Lounge now has more (Bandwidth? Space? Server speed? I can't recall what to be honest.) than it can ever use and so wonder if a deal could be worked out. I know he once said he could host some software for the guilds if secure versions could be found. So it makes me wonder about this. Though this is much much heavier in requirements than that would be. Man I'm so overstepping my bounds there.

Anyway, again, I enjoyed this one more and so want to stress: Good work!


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RE: Lurker Lounge Podcast - Episode 1 is Live. - by swirly - 04-30-2012, 04:36 AM

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