Devil in the Details Podcast - Episode 10
Yes, I agree on your observation there. It seems to deliver ticks of damage similar to the Wizard's beam spells, and you do seem to take more hits the closer you are. My Demon Hunter has taken one or two hits at the end and lived, but five or six from the origin would definitely slaughter her. Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you were dead from one tick, which would be poor gearing for a Monk.

I have not found any Monk skills that allow escape, but when facing Wallers that do not have Desecrator or Arcane I find them easy to take out by getting closer. Even if they pop a wall between us, Crippling Strike passes through the wall. Probably a bug (like pre-1.0.3 Evasive Strike on the Demon Hunter), but for the moment it does at least allow you to hit them. Against Desecrator or Arcane, I use Lashing Tail Kick/Sweeping Armada. This creates space and messes up the timing on their abilities, allowing me to more easily manage the Walls, thereby reducing the difficulty of the mob (though, Desecrator and Arcane are both pretty hard on their own). I also use Dashing Strike/Flying Side Kick, which helps with positioning against Arcane/Desecrator (does nothing with Waller). With Desecrator, it positions me out of the pit and allows me to keep applying pressure; with Arcane, I use it to get into a position where manoeuvring the beam is easier.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

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RE: Devil in the Details Podcast - Episode 10 - by Elric of Grans - 06-26-2012, 07:01 AM

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