what do Americans think about the NSA scandal
Can anyone tell me what the sentiment among the American people is regarding this NSA spy scandal?
There are large parts of the population that downright hate barrack Obama because he dares to give health insurance to everyone, and that is to much intrusion in people's lives, so I guess especially republicans are outraged now?
I mean this current spying on citizens is a few steps worse than the government telling you you can't wear your automatic rifle to school.

(I made a comment in another thread but I find this subject is important enough to gets its own thread)

To add to this thread:
also herein the Netherlands our AIVD (dutch NSA) is doing similar things, though on a smaller scale, and not with so much freedom but also here there is not yet real public outrage. A few political parties complain, but it is not the same outrage that flows over the country as when for example a humpback whale gets stranded and they don't manage to pull him back to open sea. (yes this is sarcasm).
I think there are just many things that are much too complicated for normal people to even get angry or upset about, or there is a general numbness when such things happen.......I mean I also haven't gone protesting yet. These are things you know are trampling your rights, but because you don't see a direct threat to your personal situation you tend to care not so much.

And this is the exact thing mentioned in other threads about thinking you live in a democracy as compared to the people in Cuba for example, but actually your liberties are taken away in a more subtle way.

The whole situation becomes even more clear if you see that the US security agencies just discard information from the Russians about the brothers who committed the Boston attacks.......apparently anti terrorism is not the reason for spying on us.

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what do Americans think about the NSA scandal - by eppie - 06-12-2013, 06:19 AM

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