Citizen's United II - the other foot
(08-15-2013, 02:29 PM)kandrathe Wrote: I was commenting on that which will be beyond the idyllic biopics.

Do your intended point(s) a huge favor. Focus. Otherwise I'm more inclined to believe you're just playing the 'move the goal post' game, or otherwise 'baffle 'em with bovine droppings'.

Quote:Campaign staff on both sides are frought with rabid insiders who come from legions of volunteers, and etc. But, a conservative shock jock like Jack Hunter or Hillary's aide Mark Penn, are people with pretty rabidly partisan histories.

Let's drop the cutesy act. When someone gets caught stealing pudding, do they cry 'well Billy did it too!', more importantly, does anyone buy this kind of thing after kindergarten?

It's old and moldy at this point. 'I want to rant about team X, but to look fair-minded I'll throw in a small bone about team Y, then finish with a Team X -still- did such and such.'

Quote:It could be and I'd hope it to be true. But, you don't change in 4 years what has been a mainstay industry over 150 years. You have industry, built upon industry and like a Jenga tower, it needs to be undone carefully, and thoughtfully. They need a publicly supported plan;
  • Ensure the stability of generation costs
  • Implement retraining programs for displaced workers
  • Provide long term, low interest loans for conversion away from coal generation

Otherwise, the burden of these costs will fall onto those who can least afford it.

Hmm, sounds like they need the help of -gasp-, government. Angel

Though it sounds like govt interference and overreach if not outright social-ism. If using your own libertarian standards that is.

Really, at this point I'm wondering if Obama uses a fork to eat spaghetti, would his critics say that's a sign that he's a huge leftist socialist (fork on left hand side see!111) and he only does so for 'political points'?

I mean if you want to criticize Obama, there's legitimate cases. The drone war policy, electronic surveillance on your own and other countries citizens. Otherwise, this ' but if Obama\Leftist Liberazis does it...' tune starts to sound really churlish. Dodgy

Quote:No society really consciously chooses to be showered with toxic poisons for a lifetime in exchange for a little energy today.

.....Yeah. You may need to check that idea(lism) vs what's reality on the ground. For all the talk and potshots of 'head in the clouds pseudo greenies'...well let's just say the granola munchers aren't the only ones who put on the occasional idealogue blinders on.


I'll just steal Jester's afterthought.

Quote:The idea that "Oh, both sides are so bad, we must despair of all politics" is horsepuckey.

Though I'd tweak it as, but -their- side stole pudding as well!

edited for grammerz.

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RE: Citizen's United II - the other foot - by Hammerskjold - 08-15-2013, 03:59 PM

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