Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it?
(10-25-2013, 08:02 PM)Taem Wrote: Two comments to fit; first, we're talking about wild animals here, not domesticated ones, so I don't think it's fair to compare to humans unless you use an appropriate comparison, such as the native American indians slavery (wild) versus the Africans of negro decent (docile), in which case you can see that yes, wild animals should not be enslaved, and certain breeds of human are more apt to domesticated slavery - incarceration was the term you used I believe - while others are more wild and untamable. Yes, no breed of human would like to be enslaved, but not all would revolt, but more appropriately, look at what we did to those who did not embrace our ideology? We killed them, and if we did this to ourselves, I'm sure we'd do the same to wild animals. Of course that does make it right, but I reserve judgement on if we'll ever change as a society based on my next paragraph.

Comrade, there is no such thing as 'breeds' of humans, wtf is this crap?...there are just humans. Nor are there such things as 'wild' humans or 'tame' humans - this artificial division in itself comes across as sounding highly racist (though I know u didn't intend it that way, but u should be more careful and selective in how to get your points across).....As for some people not revolting if they are enslaved or not, this doesn't make any sense either. You say Africans would be more apt for slavery than Native Americans (as if any humans should be enslaved to begin with Rolleyes ), but African slaves revolted or fled all the time during slavery. Ever heard of Nat Turner?

The reason I compared it to humans though is because of the specific animal in question. If this were honey bees, some type of fish, or something, it wouldn't matter so much. Honey bees actually are very important to the ecological system but humans having bee farms for instance isn't the same as the topic of this thread. While I am all for animal rights, I think some animal rights activists go too far saying we need to save every single species in the world down to the last insect. However, we are talking about Orcas here - one of the most intelligent, complex, and social animals in the world. Just has humans do not want to be put in a circus, my guess is that Orcas don't either. They'd probably rather be out in the wild with their pod hunting, playing, and making little Orcas.

Quote:Second point, I don't see how this is any worse then breeding domesticated animals for everyday consumption. Just go to youtube and search for Earthlings Trailer. Go ahead, do it now. I'll wait while you watch it. It's only 6-min 48-sec long for the extended trailer. I'd link it, but. I'm typing from my phone, sorry.

Ill give it a watch later.

Quote:After watching that video, I've lost all hope in humanity as a "good" race of any sorts. That and now I always think twice before eating beef.

This is a sweeping generalization. Humans can be both good and bad, but by nature, we are generally more of the former. When you put them in a hierarchal social organization of society though, one that is based on exploitation and commodity production for profits, then yes, you are going to bring out the worst in them. Humanity isn't the problem, and if it were, then we may as well just call it quits and kill ourselves now. The existence of a privileged, elite few that hold a cynical view of human nature and use it as justification for exploiting and oppressing the masses is the problem.

Also, not eating beef hardly makes one a "good" person.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it? - by FireIceTalon - 10-25-2013, 08:36 PM

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