I'm coming back, and I may need some help...
Decided to come back for Warlords; it's something I've mulled over for a while, and I have had opportunity to do so previously but found myself discouraged due to various reasons. Anyway, I found the expansion pack cheap today (£28 in the Tesco on my way back from work, compared to the RRP of £35) and had a few time cards sitting in a desk drawer for a few years. It's time to come back.

Well, almost time. There's a few other immediate concerns, and not just the current queue fiasco. My ISP is doing speed checks on my connection, and I'll no doubt return a lower speed than I had before and will have to spend a few days on the phone to customer support to get me back up to speed. Plus there's the whole post-launch queue fiasco to deal with, and the fact that my realm went from a medium population to full is a little worrying. My starter edition character can't even get less than position 4,000 in the queue. Hopefully everything will work out in a week or so.

Come to think of it, I remember that my ISP did speed checks around the launch of Mists.

Anyway, in the meantime I need some help getting back up to speed. I left the game back in 5.1, so I think there's probably a lot to catch up on.


I'm talking both generally here and specific for the worldview of a hunter. How are things different now? Have they overhauled the talent system again? How about Glyphs since Blizzard seemed to love rewriting that system every other patch? I'm also seeing people from other servers as I poke around Camp Narache; what happened to individual server identity?

Is gearing still a case of stacking agility, crit, and tweaking hit? Anything different about pets? There's a whole lot of stuff I'm curious about, but that's about all I can think of that I wouldn't like to go blindly into.

And a minor thing, have they updated the Death Knight start any, or is it still a case of starting at 60 and then getting dumped on Outland's ancient content doorstep?


This is the fun one, and part of the reason I didn't come back sooner. Nothing like wasting a day or two of a sub trying to get my UI back up to scratch. I'm hoping to be able to use a starter edition character (on a low-population server, naturally) to rebuild my UI and then transfer all the settings to my main.

My old UI was the evolution of many years of trying different add-ons, and it was a bit of a kludge by the time I quit the game. Since then I've gone through another PC build, and I neglected to transfer my old interface folder from my old PC. It's gone forever, and I'm feeling a tad nostalgic for the old vanilla days where you could get away with just CosmosUI for casual play and as a foundation to build your own UI on.

Bartender handled my actionbars: I have a lot of extra buttons on my keyboard and mouse (Logitech G510 keyboard with 18 keys on the left, and a Logitech G600 mouse with 12 thumb keys and a few other rebindable modifiers). I'm going to need keybinds for all these keys, so a list of the game's default keybinds would help here.

I used Curse's client to download as many add-ons that I could remember that I used to use; DBM, Atlas, TitanPanel, Bartender... a pretty long list. Most of them work, but several are still listed as out of date - I'm not sure if this is because the authors are still in the process of updating them for the current version, or if they've been dropped. Does anyone know the status of the following, and if they are officially discontinued what are some good alternatives?
  • AtlasLoot suite
  • Mounted
  • ReforgeLite
  • Sexycooldown
  • TitanPanel Raid ID plugin
  • TitanPanel Durability plugin
  • X-Perl suite
  • XLootGroup

A brief one, but can someone give me a cliff notes version of what exactly happened during the Kung Fu Panda arc? Again, I was a 5.1 leaver, and only got as far as level 88 with only Stormstout Brewery completed. From what little I played I honestly wasn't paying much attention, and Farmville and the fact that so many rep factions were tied to growing turnips was part of the reason why I left.

I plan on ploughing through the Pandaren overworld content, but it'll likely be done so fairly mindlessly without paying too much attention until I get to Draenor. So what exactly happened to get us to this point in the story?

I apologise for this post being a little weighty. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Now let's see if I can stick with the game longer this time than I did before.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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I'm coming back, and I may need some help... - by NiteFox - 11-15-2014, 08:35 PM

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