Forgot to tell you guys what happened to me, lol
I got a Inguinal Hernia from deadlifting 35+45 +bar(45)+ 45+35 = 205, and less than 2wk after my surgery, my doc told me to get some "exercise", so being me, I took that as "go fuckin nuts", so I went staking at a skate park and fell off a ten-foot ramp landing directly on my arm due to being off-balance from the hernia surgery... I've skated all my life and never fell w.out tucking and rolling but this time, my subconscious was protecting my injury so.. BAM! Here's some lovely pics of my compound fracture: let me put it this way, when I stood up immediately after hearing the "snap", my forearm was hanging down from the center so my hand was facing down and my fingertips were below my elblow with my bone sticking out... and you know when you get shot in call of duty... just like that. ears ringing, white haze all around with blackness starting to creep in on edges, and I also saw shooting stars everywhere I looked. Enjoy the pictures: THEY ARE ALL CLICKABLE LINKS TO THE BIGGER PICTURE!

[Image: 1TZ9hr.jpg][Image: dd4q7c.jpg][Image: exdX8Mhrj][Image: S24CvV.jpg]
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Forgot to tell you guys what happened to me, lol - by Taem - 02-28-2015, 01:00 AM

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