questions to refresh my rusty memory
thanks. I admit I wish it were 'of stars' or life giving or even sorcery. Who knows, maybe in the weeks and months to come I will be lucky enough to find another but beggers can't be chosers. I had an awesome full plate with once before with a base of 73 I think, but no suffix. I also had 2 obsedian/zods, sadly gone. I've never found one since my first character.

Quote:Depends on whether you want an answer regarding mere numbers or useability. In either case I'd say it's a rather lucky find, quite rare and all that. The +AC% aren't that bad, the +str is almost maximum. But then again, there's the problem that it adds "only" strength (+all or +life might be more useful, depending on one's playing style, prefences and all that) and that the plate's base AC is rather low, resulting in a lower AC total which might be a problem for a warrior if he is to have high AC but no AC shield. <insert further minmaxing babbling>

Summary: It's a rare drop, at least a decent item and, depending on your style, might be very useful or not. Each to his own and all that.

Messages In This Thread
questions to refresh my rusty memory - by Jarulf - 06-03-2008, 06:36 AM
questions to refresh my rusty memory - by Arkain - 06-03-2008, 10:54 PM
questions to refresh my rusty memory - by TheKingofKewl - 06-04-2008, 01:36 AM

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