Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution
Psst, over here!

Did you ever take a look at the Diablo MPQ files and found some unused graphics or speech files and thought "Damn, that's really interesting...I wonder if there's more stuff like this..."?
Did you play the PreRelease Demo, wondering how Diablo has changed during the development process?
Have you ever heard of quests that didn't make it into the final version of the game, wondering if there's any truth to that and what these quests might have been like?

If your answer to any of these questions is "yes", then you should take a look at a unique website, that has been in the works for almost two years now. We've put a lot of work into this project and hope that we've created something new and exciting for the Diablo community.

Diablo Evolution! Here you'll find a unique collection of everything that's related to the development process of Diablo.
It is a real chore to find all the information about early Diablo versions, as it's scattered throughout the web with many false data on the way. We've started almost from scratch on this topic and on the way we've discovered many things that should be new to everyone.

We'd appreciate any additional input you might have. Corrections, suggestions or additions...everything is most welcome as it's the only way we can improve our work.

And we've still got updates coming, as there's quite a huge amount of content that's not yet implemented, so check back regularly!

Well, I guess that just leaves the matter of the missing link;)

So, here it is:

Thank you for your time and interest,
Mystery and the whole Diablo-Evolution team!

Messages In This Thread
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Mystery - 08-02-2006, 07:08 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Munkay - 08-02-2006, 08:54 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Alamara - 08-02-2006, 08:59 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Thecla - 08-03-2006, 12:34 AM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Mystery - 08-03-2006, 05:07 AM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Taem - 08-03-2006, 11:27 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Mystery - 08-04-2006, 05:15 AM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Mystery - 08-04-2006, 07:41 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Mystery - 08-05-2006, 09:58 AM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Ashock - 08-10-2006, 08:40 PM
Proudly presenting: Diablo Evolution - by Thenryb - 08-11-2006, 04:21 PM

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