American ex-general claims Srebrenica fell partially due to homosexual

Quote:Rigid adherence to fancy rules and discipline and orders and coffee social appearances among the UN, which includes some of the idiots from my country.
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

The only RoE should be WIN! Everything else is BS.

I learned that in Nha Trang, October '65 to October '66.

Why are the people who suffer most for those political decisions so often blamed for the results of those decisions?


Quote:The problem is playing footsy with murdering bands of militia and worse, not what some jackass says when he shoots off is foolish mouth.
I think they're both problems. The first may be the bigger of the two, but that really doesn't excuse the second. To the bigger problem, I think the solution is more unconventional forces and <strike>less</strike> no restrictions on how they accomplish their given missions. We're in the position of a man with a fly infestation and all he has is a sledgehammer. Sure, he can kill the flies, but the cost isn't worth it. What we need is flyswatters (and the political guts to use them).

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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American ex-general claims Srebrenica fell partially due to homosexual - by --Pete - 04-08-2010, 08:41 PM

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