Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently
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Quote:Ok now I totally understand where you're coming from--you feel like this is a boring cop out. I agree it would have been really cool to design a neat solo quest sequence to enable this -- something difficult and rewarding. Like the old priest/hunter quests... I really did enjoy getting my Benediction back then.

Yes. When I did my paladin epic mount quest, I had 0 help from high levels until I got to stratholme. I did Tyr's Hand Solo, I Found groups and tanked Scholomance for my dark Runes, The whole thing. When I went to strath, I had the craziest group ever. It was all my friends. 4 tanks +ms warrior, and only one was higher than 62, and none of us had ever full clear strath before.

I know that Kaine LOVED his epic flight form quest, I know hunters on both sides of the fence on their class quest, Vor is the only priest I have ever heard talk about the benediction line. When Blizz gets an epic quest line right, it's great. When they fail to completely implement something it sucks. It feels like to avoid the 'suck' factor, they have gone with the cop out. "Pay us plx kk thx bai!"

I wouldn't even care if the quest for dual specs was group oriented. With something that major, it would be easy to find people to run the line with you. I had to shell out cash during my paladin quest, so I don't mind some gold being required, but just saying: 1k gold and you are cooler with your hybrid class, really cheapens some of the lore/story/rp of an mmorpg in my mind.

I for the record was also really irritated with the change to CWF when it became just something else you bought, and the quest was left in game but meant nothing.

I like a lot of the changes in Wotlk. I like the dailies for rep (I LOVED the SSO stuff in TBC). I love that you champion for the faction of your choosing in heroics for more rep. Love that there is this great creature war in the basin.

I hate that Gold has become the determining factor for things like dual spec and CWF. I hate that there is absolutely no lore or quests (in northrend) for naxx and Sarth. Sure, if you have done the netherwing rep, and you have read a couple of books, you understand what Sartharion is doing. But tell me, why are we going to naxx? Why are we bothering to deal with that place? Where is the lore? Sure, we all know that Naxx is a 'bad' place, and that KT needs dealt with, but I distinctly remember Fordring giving a badass speach when he gets ashbringer back saying that he is coming for arthas. Surely that would mean Kt as well? Wouldn't just 1 quest line similar to the Nightbane line in Kara have been cool? Wouldn't a rep with a faction even if it was just the fault northrend horde/alliance faction have been cool?

I'm not asking for attunement lines. I'm just asking for breadcrumb quests, or lore quests to get you there.
I'm not an RP nut or anything, but I love story. I'm one who will read the quests and see what the person has to say. I think that blizzard did a superb job with story in

Borean Tundra / coldarra (it makes SENSE to go kill Malygos after you have been to coldarra)
Storm Peaks
Sholazar Basin

I can't comment on Fjord because the layout of the zone sucks so much I haven't quested it out yet, and Grizzly hills quests were too spread out and too disjointed for me to care. As far as instances go, You have a good idea of why you are going to:


You have no outside motivation to go to UP from what I have seen, but it's pretty apparent at the first boss that these guys are no good.

I was the same way leveling up. If I didn't understand what was going on with an instance, I normally didn't care. It's a personal thing, it's a "enjoyment of the game thing". I can make the gold for the 1k Dual Spec fee without much hassle (I know I whined about it, but it's because I hadn't put my finger completely on the pulse of the problem yet) I just hate that it feels cheap.
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Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently - by shoju - 02-26-2009, 03:15 PM

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