Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop
You missed my point. I will try to be clearer. Please take this to be a generic 'You'.

You bought a game. You played it. You played it over the internet, for free, as advertised.

It transpires that there are *gasp* people who cheat. You get irate about it and stomp and whine and have a snit-fit. Over and over and over again.

All over an investment of about the price of a box of beer. <_<

Now if this were over a condominium in your equivalent of Park Place where you found the neighbours were breaking the condo rules by breeding rats, maybe you could get a little sympathy from me. After all.......that is no small investment and you have to live there.

But this is a game. It does have bugs in it. Folks here even know what they are. But it is still completely possible to enjoy the game. Heck, you can still 'compete free over the internet'.

MY box doesn't say "You can freely trade items with anyone you meet in a game." Nor does it assure me that there will be no cheaters.

So, again, to all the whiners ... Write off the damn box of tainted beer. Go ahead and stop buying that brand. Life is not fair. Get over it.

I'm not perfect. None of my friends are perfect. This game is not perfect. If you require perfection in everything, you will have a lousy life.

And now, my rant is done. :D
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


Messages In This Thread
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by ShadowHM - 04-05-2003, 09:06 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Roderigo - 04-05-2003, 11:34 PM
Those "uber 1337 haxxors" finally get the chop - by Thoreandan - 04-06-2003, 04:15 PM

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