Well it only takes 8 months, but pvp will be coming...
Good comments on Spirit vs Fury. If I may, I'd like to add another fury generator: Superstition. I switched over to it not only for the elemental resists boost, but also the passive fury generation. I LOVE plagued elites now, since I can just stand next to them and hammer away without interruption. I was actually glad to see that 1.07 is boosting the plagued damage because you really shouldn't WANT to see a mod on an elite pack.
Battletag: Aahzmadius#1570

B.net profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Aahzm...570/career

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RE: Well it only takes 8 months, but pvp will be coming... - by Aahzmadius - 01-31-2013, 01:31 PM

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