Pacific Rim, the movie spacifically.
Since Deebye was curious.

I saw this in theatres, but just the standard version, not 3d. It's Del Toro's love letter to Japanese Monster films\anime\manga. Mecha vs Monsters. See giant badass mechas rocket punching a monster right in the face. INB4 it's just a newer 'Robot Jox.'

If you're not in the mood for that type of movie, or don't\won't understand that the Rule Of Cool is in full effect here, save your breath, time and money.

I'll start off what worked for me.

Some minor spoiler warning.


- The music. The main theme song instantly drew me in. Probably my favorite song of the bunch. The composer did Game of Thrones and some other stuff. My compliments to the man, he knows what he's doing.

- The world that's hinted off-screen, or just briefly mentioned. Ie: The parade scene flashbacks. It gives a really nice atmosphere.

- The visuals. Some of them are beautiful concept paintings come to life. Love the designs of both the Jaeger (mecha) and Kaiju (monsters). Love the names\naming conventions for both.

What I think might have been missed opportunities.

- The male lead char is kinda boring. Everyone else was ok, Idris Elba was fun to watch. But yeah, male lead char was boring for me at least.

- Maybe it's going to be played with in the possible sequel, but the good vs evil is a bit too black and white. Yes it's a straight up pop corn monster mash movie, but this is Del Toro. I was kinda hoping there'd be a bit more grey.

eg: Did the Kaijus really just attack humanity out of nowhere? I wouldn't mind if it turned out that it was humans doing nuke tests in the sea that alerted our presence to them. Cliche'd I know, and it's probably just me. But I wouldn't mind something like that. Not to say that I want to see a rawr rawr humans are all evil, but something where both sides have a not so evil and not so noble goals\intentions.

Pure wishful thinking on my part for possible sequel: Humanity decides to invade Kaiju's world. Both for revenge and resources. Cooler heads did not prevail, the UN decides to go on full warpath\resource raid mode. Kaiju parts\biology research\reverse engineering leads to new gen of Jaegers. A combination of mechanical and biological parts. Mecha-Godzilla Jaegers.

Leaders of the world decides (despite objections from some veteran military and scientists) to open a new rift into Kaiju space. Sends off new Bio-Mecha Jaegers to kick ass and take names. Finds out in first skirmish that the Kaijus were adapting and researching our technology (nukes) as well. Hilarity ensues.

All in all, it's an enjoyable popcorn film. It's robots rocket punching monsters. Done by Del Toro, who genuinely loves the source material and is not doing this as an ironic thing. His love for the genre shows through and for me at least, I find that charming and infectious.

As long as people understand that it's not a video manual on robotics, or a National Geographics marine biology special, it can be enjoyable.

Also, in the comic prequel\expanded universe the first Jaeger that defeated a Kaiju was from Canada. 'Brawler Yukon'. Though the wikia claims since it's a prototype, it should be classified under no countries, if anything it should be under the US due to joint efforts between the US and CAN. To that I say, ya wish ya Merkins, it's Canada that got the First Win! Canada Represents!1111111 Tongue

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Pacific Rim, the movie spacifically. - by Hammerskjold - 10-16-2013, 03:27 PM

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