Pacific Rim, the movie spacifically.
I really enjoyed Pacific Rim. Del Toro did a great job modernizing the genre without making it over the top campy. The visuals were incredible. The sense of scale was really well done.

One thing that struck me in head like a frying pan was how much the plot was like The Avengers. The charismatic and forceful leader of a counter-insurgent force assembles a group of Earth's mightiest heroes, despite the reluctance of his group of superiors, to fend off an attack from a powerful alien force emanating from an extra-dimensional portal. The Gipsy Danger is basically Iron Man.

Quote: The male lead char is kinda boring. Everyone else was ok, Idris Elba was fun to watch. But yeah, male lead char was boring for me at least.

I thought that all of the main characters were intentionally portrayed in a very stereotypical manner. The male Jaeger pilots had physiques like greek gods, the females were lithe and curvacious - like comic book superheroes. The duo of scientists were half chaos, and half order. The nationalities of the Jaegers were "in your face" stereotypical - especially the Russian one. I had no problem with any of that. It sort of solves the stark "black and white" issue you have. It's intentional. I did have a problem with Idris Elba's accent. It was off just enough to be distracting.

Quote:eg: Did the Kaijus really just attack humanity out of nowhere? I wouldn't mind if it turned out that it was humans doing nuke tests in the sea that alerted our presence to them.

That is exactly what happened, I think. After Dr. Newton drifted with a Kaiju, he explains that they tried invading once already, but this was in the age of dinosaurs and the Earth was too "clean". They waited until our atmosphere was "dirtied up" a bit to make it more hospitable to them. The movie could've done a better job explaining this I think.

Quote:Pure wishful thinking on my part for possible sequel: Humanity decides to invade Kaiju's world. Both for revenge and resources. Cooler heads did not prevail, the UN decides to go on full warpath\resource raid mode. Kaiju parts\biology research\reverse engineering leads to new gen of Jaegers. A combination of mechanical and biological parts. Mecha-Godzilla Jaegers.

Del Toro has stated recently that he has started writing a sequel. I think a combination Jaeger/Kaiju is almost to obvious, but it would be awesome. Maybe he could turn it around, and have the Kaiju invent it first and have humanity try to form a defense.

Quote:All in all, it's an enjoyable popcorn film. It's robots rocket punching monsters. Done by Del Toro, who genuinely loves the source material and is not doing this as an ironic thing. His love for the genre shows through and for me at least, I find that charming and infectious.

I can't agree with this enough. It's not going to win a Best Picture Oscar, because it stays true to the genre and doesn't overstep those bounds. Del Toro is one of my favourite movie-makers, and hasn't yet let me down.

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RE: Pacific Rim, the movie spacifically. - by DeeBye - 10-17-2013, 01:18 AM

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