Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it?

Quote:The documentary focuses on the captivity of the killer whale Tilikum, who was involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping such large and intelligent animals in captivity.

I've always thought that it is incredibly arrogant of us to capture and enslave Orcas, just to have them perform circus tricks with us for entertainment. Is it really shocking when Killer Whales actually kill? I feel like people need to watch Jurassic Park more often.

While I was typing this up, Jack Hannah on CNN said he supports SeaWorld because "out of sight, out of mind" - meaning since we generally don't see Orcas in the wild, we don't think about them. SeaWorld brings attention to Orcas, so we think about them and their conservation.

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Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it? - by DeeBye - 10-25-2013, 03:10 AM

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