So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it)
(12-05-2013, 05:25 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(12-05-2013, 01:47 AM)shoju Wrote: But since I've now brought it up, we can use groups like Focus on the Family, and their ilk, coupled with the record that we have of pastors who are still out there, preaching the approval of violence towards LGBT, towards the continued subservience of women as a lesser to man, and on and on, to show that the current religious structure in Christianity is not pacifistic in practice. Now, that doesn't mean that there aren't pacifistic sects of modern christianity, or that there aren't entire denominations that do embrace the "legitimate" teachings of the New Testament.
The record of at least 3 anecdotes who made the press. But, again, you think "Focus on the Family" is promoting violence?

Key phrase here is, 'and their ilk'. So let's not be coy here, you're bright enough to know what shoju is talking about.

Even the US 1st amendment doesn't cover the 'right and muh freedums' to yell 'fire' at a crowded theatre situation.

And when it comes to other countries, the laws on what constitutes hate speech can be different. Again, let's be absolutely clear here, we are talking about the international stage. Some of the uhm, naive 'missionaries' at best, their evangelizing are producing violent outcomes. At worst, it is absolutely deliberate.

Freedom of speech, carries with it responsibilities. You say someone has the freedom of expression, no matter how hateful? I say get real.

You want to revisit the Rwandan Genocide? The Khmer Rouge Revues (now with more hidden mass graves!)? The 1960's Indonesian Chinese alleged 'commies' purge coup? Kosovo conflicts of the 90s? Some good ole fashioned Kristahlnacht? How about a Pogrom? That's russian for prom night right?

When I'm in the mood to read a good horror story, I go to the Historical section. Way better horrorshow than Stephen King.

You don't need a funny pointy hat or a bushy beard to be a 'bad religion', (isn't that a band name?). Virulent, violent fanaticism can mutate from secular sources as well.

Hint: If both worship power for it's sake alone, treats accountability\checks & balances like a used toilet paper, then chances are it's now a 'bad religion' scenario. The absence of superficial 'religious' trappings is a flimsy argument used by overly literal people who can't into forest because of pesky trees. See: North Korea's situation. Kim Jong Il's father, if propaganda is to believed, practically birthed the whole universe from his head, Zeus like.

You of all people should know that, going by your past postings.

Quote:The bottom line is; There are 7 billion people in the world, and the more homogeneous our world views, the better we will get along with each other.

Looking at past historical trends, my bet is on the opposite. (eg: The Irish 'Troubles' during the 60s-80s.) Look at all the NWO memes, One World Order backlash. More than a few of them are frankly, crackpot tinfoil brigades. Except, I would not rule them all as outright crazy.

If nothing else for the insurance that frankly, someone in the desert has no business telling me that I have too much clothes on, if I'm in the Arctic. And the reverse is also true, I have no business or right or 'freedoms' to tell anyone in the desert\beach to cover up and put on a parka, because -I- feel I would freeze if I only wear my banana hammock in my Ice Castle. Figuratively speaking.

Edited to get rid of an extra asterisk. Dangling Asterisks must be. Purged.

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RE: So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it) - by Hammerskjold - 12-05-2013, 11:00 PM

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