So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it)
This has to be a joke. LT and Marxism have nothing in common in terms of both theory and praxis, especially the latter. Nor does LT use a Marxian analysis of Biblical thought in any shape or form, though I suppose it TRIES to. Any Marxist would laugh at the notion of preaching the words of Jesus (whom most Marxists don't even believe existed) to bring about socialism: It's based on the same idealistic nonsense that Christians tell you when your child gets sick, to bring him/her to a church instead of a hospital (even if LT itself doesn't preach this specifically). LT reduces everything to the supernatural at the end of the day, and it can easily be hijacked by reactionaries to use as a tool for their own ends. Marxism has the distinct advantage in that it can provide a much clearer path to emancipation of humanity by focusing on social relationships and material circumstances than LT could never hope to - because it (Marxism) doesn't rely on the supernatural to explain both causes of material conditions, as well as solutions to change those conditions. Historical Materialism has a much better track record at explaining the world than LT does as well as putting theory into praxis. LT relies entirely on faith. Besides, religion is inherently oppressive, reactionary, and hierarchal anyways, and therefore is antithetical to socialism. Therefore, LT is a paradoxical framework at best. It's also incompatible with Marxism as a system of analysis, since one is set on idealist foundations, and the other on materialist analysis of society - Trying to combine the two is like trying to mix water and oil. I look at this so-called 'Christian communism' as nothing more than some sort of alternative hipster lifestyle, and it is in no way, scientifically speaking, able to provide a realistic praxis for social change (because it provides no scientific or objective understanding or critique of the capitalist mode of production, nor can it). There isn't a single historical example of it doing so.

LT is just another type of utopian socialism that has no relevance for Marxists, religion cannot be used as a tool for human liberation (nor can it be used as some cohesive theoretical framework for understanding the world), and the Pope is not nor ever will be a Marxist. /thread

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it) - by FireIceTalon - 01-03-2014, 06:21 PM

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