So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it)
No problem. I guess while I am here I will reply to your last comments.

At your first point, fair enough. I felt the need to make clear though that LT theory and Marxism have very little if anything in common though, since you stated that LT theory uses a Marxist analysis of the Bible. But if you were just doing this just in reference to the conservative attacks on LT, your statement makes more sense.

As for Marxists laughing at LT, it isn't so much that we are close minded at anything non-Marxist, so much as that LT specifically and Marxism simply are not at all compatible for reasons I stated. As a Marxist, I have many disagreements with Anarchists, but I could find more common ground in both theory and praxis with one that I could with a LT, just because of their respective foundations.

Sure, we all have a belief system of some sort. But my problems with LT are from a pragmatic standpoint, since it relies entirely on faith. "Jesus was commie, lets all just spread the word and gospel of our savior around, and socialism will come about". Ok, maybe thats an oversimplification of LT, but nevertheless there is no way to make a praxis out of it for obvious reasons.....idealism and materialism, are again, like water and oil. The two just cannot mix.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it) - by FireIceTalon - 01-03-2014, 08:54 PM

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