US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
Quote:HAHAHA! "No u"! Oh man, all this jargon is like if tumblr was communist instead of social justice butthurt. It still smacks of "I spend all day stewing in my own juices." I really don't know where all of your assumptions come from when what you've seen of my perspective is rather minute, but then I don't see the need to go on world-building diatribes in every thread.

Indeed, you haven't provided much perspective to the whole situation, which is precisely my point Smile. The little perspective you have provided, is faulty and misguided at best. If you don't like people calling you out on bullshit, then here's a word of advice: don't spew (or in this case type) bullshit. Rolleyes

No one is making any assumptions here. I objectively pointed out and explained how this decision is an example, among many, on how the capitalist class is increasingly rejecting traditional justifications (religious bigotry, racial supremacy) in favor of different ideologies to justify their class rule. As well as there still being a correlation between class struggle and heteronormativity. Just because these things are in decline in a legal context doesn't mean they are going away - again, function vs. appearance. There is a dissonance between what we say about homosexuality and its practical reality, regardless of the law. Same-sex marriage being legal isn't cultural equality, it is cultural assimilation. It isn't acceptance, it is tolerance. The goal for socialists isn't to assimilate or conform into bourgeois heteronormative culture (or any realm of bourgeois culture & society for that matter), but rather to DESTROY it entirely, and sweep it into the dustbin of history where it fucking belongs.

I don't see any jargon (except from liberals and conservatives about this whole decision) or 'world building' here, just an real-world analysis of how things ACTUALLY are. Perhaps it is in your little bourgeois civil rights utopia where all the jargon and 'world-building' is taking place. Liberals love capitalism with rainbows and unicorns, afterall.

You know, it IS POSSIBLE to think critically about things, even when they are in general a good thing. Like I said, I think this news is good news and I support the decision, but that doesn't mean we should keep our heads up our asses, be content, and not critically analyze the sociological aspects of it.

Quote:This is a point that no one would argue. Why do you think it's profound? It is abundantly clear to everyone, most especially LGBT people, that marriage isn't the end-all.

One problem: many people DO argue this point, both in person and in various social media outlets. You'd have to be living on another planet to deny this. Be as it may, it is not apparently and abundantly clear to everyone. Not by a long shot.

Quote:This is the funniest line you've ever written. No, wait, this is funnier.

What? I don't see the oppression and treatment of a sector of society as second class citizens being funny in the least. Scoffing at the truth is going to get you nowhere, except make you look elitist (as liberals tend to do to themselves) and out of touch, which you clearly are.

Quote:You're just a big red sandwich board, aren't ya?

Maybe. But it is more than can be said for what you have brought to the picnic thus far.

Quote:This is what I said about your problems with theory of mind, man. Your perception of what people are thinking is biased toward your own view that everyone is a clueless moron.

Not everyone, just people who say things that indicate they are clueless morons Smile If one doesn't want to be labeled as such, don't do or say things that would make one to believe you are. Pretty simple really.

Yes, I find a multitude of objections and problems within many non-Marxist theories, regarding sociological conditions. But that isn't the same thing as thinking of all of them as morons. Some of them certainly can be, though.

Quote:I don't think you understand what the term "neckbeard" means. Also, your insults don't work together.

Oh, I know what it means. I was just pointing out your failed attempt to use an ad hominem to tie your already incoherent analysis of things together.

Quote:I bet you're fun at parties.

A blast, actually Smile Especially if I'm at least slightly intoxicated.

No one is stewing in their own juices man. More likely, you are simply frustrated because you have a dislike or misunderstanding of radical/revolutionary political theory either A). because its trendy and convenient to hold socially acceptable "middle ground" politics, or B.) because Marxist theory provides an inconvenient analysis of how things are, for your particular worldview, and furthermore (and this is key): you cannot refute it. Or, I suspect a combination of the two.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by FireIceTalon - 06-29-2015, 08:39 PM

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