US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
Kandrathe, how'd you make him madder than I did? Damn. I called him a straight-up crackpot, which... I think he successfully demonstrated. But I guess you were the greater capitalist strawman boogeyman. *inclines head respectfully*

FIT Wrote:At least I dont worship authors who romanticize the raping of 12 year old girls

Seriously tumblr level meltdown, wow. #triggered

AP reports federal judge orders Alabama county clerks offices to issue marriage licenses. Meanwhile, "The Alabama Supreme Court has muddied the issue by granting time for gay marriage opponents to voice their opinion about the impacts of same-sex weddings." as if the matter was still up for dispute.

I am, at least, heartened to see that county clerks are resigning in MS and AR as they realize they cannot perform their duties professionally by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It really boggles the mind that so many people cannot separate the notion of civil marriage from church marriage. A friend of mine suggested to me that these people essentially have a very low level of emotional awareness and function on a level of "I don't like it, and that's all there is to it. There are no details that will make me view this differently, because I just don't like it." I'm not actually sure if I'm convinced this is a significant reason, because if something doesn't actually affect you it's really hard to get butthurt about it unless there's something nipping at your heels to make you keep giving a shit.


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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by LemmingofGlory - 07-01-2015, 09:57 PM

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