US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(07-07-2015, 06:00 PM)LennyLen Wrote: Yes, it can be used in a derogatory manner, but so can any word, so should we not say anything?

Send your doubleplus good\bad think words to the Ministry of Truth for approval. Or to the nearest self appointed language and thought police. You can tell who they are by the perpetually offended expression and behavior they display. Kinda looks like they just bit into a lemon.

Quote:The problem is not words, but the people who choose to use them as weapons. I'd rather focus on eliminating them.

Wait, eliminating the word weapons or the people? Tongue

LemmingofGlory Wrote:What's worse is when it becomes a dominant political strategy. As far as same-sex marriage goes in the U.S., it has been a dominant political strategy to oppose gay marriage even for Democratic candidates. Neither Obama nor Hillary flip-flopped until sometime in the past 3 years, and that's embarrassing considering these are Ivy League educated people who have a LOT of "real world" experience. They're not people from insular, sheltered communities repeating the cultural mores of their tiny mid-western villages. These are people who are basically spitting in the faces of their friends and expecting them to say "Okay, I get why you're doing this right now, and it's okay."

Of course, when Republican candidates do it, it's straight-up fear mongering. They're stoking the Evangelical vote. Democrats are just trying to not alienate the on-the-fence voters.

Voting blocks, courting them or a voting block trying to throw their weight around perhaps. Either way, politics at all levels are not immune to it I guess.

But the real important issue here is that this is a gay marriage law topic, and people who happen to be LGBT don't really have much to bring to the discussion. I mean come on, what because they're gay\lesbian, they have some sort of special insight? That's ridonkulous. You know what does give special knowledge to this issue, watching and hearing lots of PetShop Boys music videos.

I'm a straight dude, but I happen to be an expert on this topic. Deciphering the political message of PSB music videos in particular. Eg: Did you know, that "Domino Dancing" is actually a political allegory about nuclear war waged by superpowers state and their proxy and satellite nations?

See the "girl" the actors (in a literal and political meaning) are pursuing is actually a symbol of all the good things nation states wants for itself. Peace and Prosperity. However the extreme measures and lengths an extreme ideologue or ideologist of any stripe who will pursue the "girl" can actually bring their world into ruin, no such thing as too extreme for extreme goodness, no bad methods only bad targets, the ends does justify the means.

The Domino Dancing of the title actually refers to the satellite states "falling" during the conflict and eventual nuclear outcome, as well as the steps of a nuclear launch process.

The most obvious clues dropped by PSB happens in the last 2 minutes of the video, 2:56 mark to be exact. The actors have become physical, while the "girl" is slipping away from the actors grasp, literally walking away with horses in the background. The confrontation between the actors symbolizes a cold war scenario shifting into hot. While the horses contrary to facile interpretation is not the 4 riders of apocalypse, rather the political horseshoe theory in action. The extreme ultra left end of the spectrum is indistinguishable from the extreme ultra right, despite their protestations and claims, when practiced in extreme both becomes authoritarians tyrants.

At the 3:00 mark, the lyric "I hear the thunder crashing, the sky is dark, now a storm is breaking within my heart" is not a love sick lamentation. It's PSB telling us in clear literal terms that nuclear weapons have been fired and detonated in the hot struggle between the actors on the sandy beach. The location shown is deliberate as well, for the sandy location refers to the apocalyptic end scene of Planet of the Apes. (Citation: I saw Planet of the Apes last night, so this hypothesis connects and checks out. It's not even a theory at this point, it's indisputable fact.)

4:13 mark, the actors are only shown on the reflection of the narrator\singer's sunglasses, at night. Sunglasses at night, standing around a (nuclear)bonfire on a beach. PSB is again clearly telling us what the outcome of the nuclear exchange is, a glassed wasteland (sand turns into glass when subjected to high heat conditions such as a thermonuclear explosion) with the actors no longer truly existing on the physical plane, symbolized by them existing only as a reflection on the omnipresent yet invisible narrator's sunglasses at night, illuminated by the (nuclear) bonfire.

And this is really just poli-sci PSB 101 for me. I can lecture forth about the political discography of PSB, while the music video in question plays during say, a gay\ lesbian wedding. My rates are very reasonable, and I also have a laser display module capable of showing patterns and *text of your choice.

*Text choice selections includes my own personally approved political aphorisms and quotes, ranging from Marx (both Richard and Groucho), Martin Headgear, and the ever popular Nitzy. Customized text is available for extra but still reasonable fees due to the requirement to reprogram the laser module.

kandrathe Wrote:FYI, I was defending nothing. I was explaining the meaning of words due to the afore discussed issues you seem to have in comprehension.

I don't really need your further arrogant critique of my point of view. It is mine. This may be a big shock, but some people won't agree with you.

Yeah, but those people are soooo obviously wrong. I mean where I live the garbage and recycling schedule alternates, so I took the recycling out one night, and I saw everyone on my block had their garbage out instead. I realized then my neighbourhood is full of morons. The next morning I found my recycling bin not picked up, while everyone else's garbage bin was taken. I realized the truth right then and there. The whole city is full of morons, and I'm the only one left with the brains to realize everyone else is obviously and stupidly mistaken.

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by Hammerskjold - 07-08-2015, 11:36 PM

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