US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(07-14-2015, 10:09 PM)FireIce Wrote: 1. I don't use tumblr.

2. The term "social justice warrior" is just more meaningless right-wing jargon (used in pretty much the same context by moronic people who think "cultural Marxism" or "political correctness" have gone haywire) as a weapon to justify or hide their bigotry. But even if the term has no merit on its own, I guess it does make a great rallying call for right-winged morons against their so-called (equally moronic) socially 'liberal' opponents.

3. And you wonder why threads get derailed. Because people like you open up your ass, er, your mouth rather (oh wait, they are the same thing in this case!) and a bunch of shit falls out of it.

4. You're a complete dingbat that has no clue as to what you are talking about.

Just archiving this gem in it's original version before it gets self-retconned worse than Lucas insisting Greedo shooting first in the cantina scene.

It's quite telling just how recent and from where you think certain words and phrases comes from.

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by Hammerskjold - 07-14-2015, 10:24 PM

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