US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(07-14-2015, 10:34 PM)FireIce Wrote: Um, I don't give two fucks where they came from, or how recently. That isn't relevant to the point. I'm interested in what they ACTUALLY are used as, RIGHT NOW, in the real world - not in your fucking little made up abstract fantasy version of it. The term "social justice warrior" is meaningless jargon, that serves as nothing more than a term of ridicule and accusation made by right-wingers (especially online), to remove the burden of being an bigoted asshole and try to shift blame on those (as being "social justice warriors", "politically correct", "cultural marxists", or whatever other jargon they use) who call them out for their said views. That is in fact what it is, and how it is used, regardless of its origin or whatever other twisted fantasy you have of the term. Period.

Hilarious, worthy of Tony Clifton. That bit with the "I have no idea what a word or phrase or concept actually means, therefore it is meaningless!" Classic. And the overly literal interpretation of everything, it's marvelous, simply marvelous how such a triple secret probation act can be pulled off.

I've always liked the first print edition of most things. Directors cut or re-workings are fine too, as long as the first print still exists alongside it.

I mean we've always been at war with Eurasia.

Also, if you do see this Lem, it probably is your inbox, but in case it's not apologies if there are duplicated PMs. As always, I put the blame squarely, on someone and something else.

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by Hammerskjold - 07-14-2015, 11:06 PM

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