San Bernadino Terrorism and Radicalization
Buhahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Are you serious!?!? You just disproved your own argument with the very links you provided. Epic. Fail. The reason more white people are killed by cops than blacks is because THERE ARE MORE WHITE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE FUCKING COUNTRY, you fucking wanker. We are talking percentages here, not raw numbers.

Blacks constitute only about 13% of the entire US population, meanwhile whites make up nearly 65%. Looking at these percentages and taking into account the number of each race killed and incarcerated, it is clear to see that blacks are clearly targeted more than whites are - by far. And if you want to talk raw numbers, blacks and latinos make up a far larger portion of the prison population than whites do, further proof that they are more heavily policed than whites.
And I haven't even begin to delve into the nature on how blacks are killed and assaulted by police far more brutally than most white victims are.

Nor did I ever make the claim that most victims of police officers are women, they are in fact men, but there is no such thing as "sexism towards men", since they are the dominant and privileged gender while women are oppressed and considered inferior in many spheres of society. It's every bit as ridiculous as the false concept of "reverse racism" (the absurd notion that minorites, are can be racist towards whites).

There is no reason for me to google when you provide links that actually prove my point for me Smile Though Google is hardly a reliable source for accurate information anyways, but keep up the goodwork, it saves me typing.

Bottomline: a black male has a far greater chance of being racially profiled and harassed, arrested or killed by cops than a white male does - at any given time.

As for the first part of your post, once again, "political correctness" is a micro-agressive term that bigots and people with discriminatory views use to shield, or even justify, said views. What is so difficult to understand about this concept? It is a way for these people to deflect the problem onto the other person by calling them "over-sensitive", that they are "policing my freedom of speech" or some other bullshit excuse to remove blame or attention in general from their hateful views and deflect the problem onto something or someone else. It is a pejorative term at that because it insists that those with derogatory views do not need to think about (much less be responsible for) what they are saying, and they can just use it as a dismissal button towards those making the objection to what was said.

America isn't "too politically correct". It is too racist, sexist, homophobic, and discriminatory in general towards marginalized and oppressed groups. The minute you shout "you are or that is too politically correct!!!", you are IN FACT defending those views whether you acknowledge that or not. Look, you might be able to pull that card with some people and get away with it, but that shit isn't gonna fly with me, or with a lot of people for that matter. I see through your crap, and I will call you out on it every fucking time.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: San Bernadino Terrorism and Radicalization - by FireIceTalon - 12-13-2015, 07:23 AM

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