Reverse engineering Diablo v1.09b (last patch)
Here's an explicit question:

No matter how the new Level 1 Dungeon (Cathedral entrance): These two X/Y coordinates are set to x1D and x19.

Player Y coordinate - 006864A4 = 0x1D
Player X coordinate - 006864A0 = 0x19

8 bytes difference between all variables listed:
00686488 -- Modified per tile walked, every tile (iteration?)
00686490 -- Modified when clicking on a tile (clicked on tile value?)
00686498 -- Modified when clicking on a tile (saves previous Y tile?)
006864A0 -- Modified with a delay (after the animation 100% completes?) -- first and only variable modified upon a new dungeon level

Ideas? Suggestions?

Are 0x1D and 0x19 hard-coded values describing the "entry" of the maze-generation? To guarantee that the stairs themselves are in a room with possible exiting cells?
Based on the fact that 006864A0 is the first initially updated X variable: Is it safe to assume that this variable is the one connected to network play (sends/receives to other players)?

If this is the case: You could potentially fix the 'lag' experienced on by following the variable around and increasing/decreasing the latency in-game.
Of course: Both players would want to use the same latency marker. This way: Neither player experiences lag when moving across tiles!



When you have no legitimate messages from another player in the game: There's a default crash (which is odd, but at least Blizzard made sure to eliminate any issues) message.
[Image: wT4c2di.png]

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RE: Reverse engineering Diablo v1.09b (last patch) - by TheKillerVortex - 01-30-2018, 12:23 AM

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