Jarulf's Guide to Diablo and Hellfire in German
I have worked/gone through the guide and while translating it I have found some things that I wanted to write some notes/questions about (contains nitpicking, beware;)):
  • Chapters 2.1.2 and 2.1.3: What is the Bard's naked maximum mana? The table reads 231 but the formula reads:
      1.5·Magcharacter + 1.75·Magitems + 2·clvl + Manaitems + 3
    = 1.5·120          + 1.75·0        + 2·49   + 0         + 3
    = 281
  • There are some wrong references to/for (?) chapter 5.6.5, for example on page 6, 8 and 64. I suppose:
    • Some shrines might permanently decrease your max mana (see chapter 7).
    • For a more detailed explanation on battle between players and monsters, see chapter 6.
    • For a detailed information about how spells attack and also some explanation in general about spells, see chapter 6.<>
    • Chapter 2.1.4:
      Quote:A player is immune to its own spells with the exception of Fire Wall and Flame Wave.
      In Hellfire this should also apply to Ring of Fire, I think.<>
    • Chapter 2.2.2:
      Quote:The Barbarian’s bonus for not using a shield does not apply if he is using a staff.
      So the maximum staff damage should be lowered from 202 by 75 to 127.<>
    • Chapter 3.10:
      Quote:From this it follows that the prefix or suffix with the lowest qlvl on an item can never be higher than half (rounded down except for Wirt and some Adria items) the qlvl of the higher one
      Should it be ... can never be lower than half ...?<>
    • Chapter 3.13.1: Sable --> Sabre (just a "damn" typo)<>
    • Chapter 3.13.4: Sparkling Mail --> Spark<strike>l</strike>ing Mail (without the l)<>
    • Chapter 3.13.6: wyrm's and hydra's values are ---t-- instead of ---t-J (just repeating from the topic On the Wyrm's and Hydra's prefixes, where they appear).<>
    • Chapter 3.13.6: % Armor --> +% Armor Class (just another very small error - or wasn't there enough space?)<>
    • Chapter 4.1.2: According to the example (30 --> add 30 values together) the iterative formula should be:
      Itt(1, value): value
      and for nbr>1: Itt(nbr, value): Itt(nbr-1, value) + value
      The point are the two 1 instead of the two 0 which would add up one summand too much.<>
    • Chapter 4.1.3: In the Bone Spirit box the first note should be in the notes area. (This is nitpicking, isn't it?)<>
    • Chapter 4.1.4: In the Ring of Fire box the first duration is too much and in the third note it should read "Rings of Fire" (Both "survieved" from the Fire Wall box, I think.)<>
    • Chapter 5.2.1: Note about Illusion Weavers as part of the Halls of the Blind quest on dlvl 7 is missing (and so is the "7"). Tables in chapter 5.6.1 and 5.6.3 already contain the 7.<>
    • Chapter 8: Chamber of Bone and Archbishop Lazarus should be marked with the 3 (--> Appears in every single player game.), maybe Slain Hero, too.<>
    • Chapter 8.2.5: Harlequin<strike>s</strike> Crest (without the s - nitpicking again, sorry)<>
    • Chapter 9.1: two Albania entries (well, I stop writing "nitpicking" because I am sure everybody already knows)<>
    • Chapter 9.2: the /me-command needs some argument, for example <emotion><>
    • Chapter 9.7: reference to chapter 0, think it should be 2.7 here.<>
      [st]Here are some more things that are on my mind:
      • The Barbarian temporary looses its "natural" resistences during the rage lethargy phase. This could be noted.<>
      • Chapter 3.11:
        Quote:Also, dungeon levels normally has less monsters than in single player.
        ... than in single player or ... than in multi player?<>
      • Chapter 6.3.2, damage, #6: Does the doubled character damage for bows apply for the Hellfire characters, too?<>
      • Chapter 6.3.3, damage, #3: Does the halved damage taken in Hellfire apply in general or just if the player has an item of thieves?<>
      • Bard's maximum bow character damage: The table reads 40 but the formula reads:
        &nbsp;&nbsp;(Str+Dex) · clvl / 500
        = (120+120) ·&nbsp;&nbsp; 50 / 500
        = 24
        I don't know if the 500 in the formula should be a 300 (then the formula would give 40) or if it should be 24 in the table or what else.<>
        [st]In most cases I have corrected the things in my translation where I am pretty shure but I made it clear that I changed it and also noted what the original content is.

        Okay, that's all. Now I would like to hear where I am right and where I am wrong, please.

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Jarulf's Guide to Diablo and Hellfire in German - by Spelunker - 01-10-2009, 10:40 PM

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