Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying
Quote:I find it newsworthy, as did CNN and others, that people who merely said "grace" before a meal at a school function (and not in front of children) were threatened with possible jail and fines.
"Threatened" is not the right word to use. It implies that someone with the power to jail them decided to make a threat of doing so. Suing or accusing someone in a nation with the rule of law is not a threat of jail - it is a legal action.

In this particular case, it sounds as if there was a longstanding issue with religion bleeding into school functions in this area. The majority of students, administrators, and the public clearly strongly support an unconstitutional intrusion of religion into education, and the ACLU is obviously quite touchy about the state of freedom from religion where one faith is so strong. Hence the injunction obtained against the school previously - which included school-sponsored activities - and the topic of this whole kerfuffle.


Afterthought: Just to be clear, the charge was contempt of court - for violating the earlier injunction.

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Two Florida school officials won't go to jail for praying - by Jester - 09-22-2009, 12:18 AM

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