Mechanics/Stats on proc chances for weapon enchant
Zarathustra,May 18 2005, 10:38 PM Wrote:In the opinion of other Lurkers, which is the better enchant overall:  Crusader or Lifestealing?

I had that discussion with a friend the other day.  He's saying Crusader would be better for his 2H Axe Warrior (who may be going weapon/shield very soon), and I'm thinking Lifestealing due to the number of procs and the added damage.

They both have their pros and cons over each other. Here are some key differences, given that Crusader is 1 ppm and Life Steal is 5 ppm, and the fight is taking about a minute:

1) With life steal healing you for 30, and crusader for 75-125, you will on average heal more life from life steal (150 vs 100).

2) The actual average damage increase will usually be higher for Crusader. For rogues, while 100 str is only 7 dps increase for 15 seconds, their instant attacks also benefit from the proc, which can easily translate into 15 extra dps for 15 seconds, or 225 extra damage. Paladins get 14 extra dps, and will on average get 210 extra damage from the proc (more if SoC procs). Warriors will benefit the most, since they not only get 14 dps bonus, they also have instant attacks that would benefit from the proc, which can easily add to 300 extra damage.

On the other hand, Life steal proc will always be 150 damage from 5 proc (which is the average), and is NOT affected by armor. So against certain mobs you might actually do more damage with Life steal.

Another point to note however is that in order to benefit from Crusader proc, you have to actually hit the target to get benefit from it. So while you might crit 3 times in a row with Crusader on, you might also miss 3 times in a row, wasting it completely. Or you can proc, get feared and waste the time. Life steal on the other hand, if it proced, it already did damage/healed you.

3) Crusader does not happen too often, but when it does, it's quite a noticeable difference. Life steal on the other hand happens often enough so that it can be almost treated as constant extra damage.

4) The frequency of procing can be increased through usage of instant attacks.

So what does this all mean? Taking the 2-hand axe warrior example:

Crusader iwould be most useful in the following situations:

- You have to fight for prolonged periods of time (over 25 seconds at a time, since otherwise half the time the battle will be over while you still have the proc on, thus wasting it)
- You have freedom to do damage (so you are not spending a lot of time rooted, disarmed, feared, as it might happen against certain mobs, or in certain PvP situation), because it can waste a lot of proc time.

A good example would be soloing/duoing elite mobs, or taking on 2-3 mobs at a time. Most warriors can kill non-elite mobs in under 25 seconds without a problem. Its also good for that chance to do higher burst dps.

Life steal is more constant, and it does both a heal and damage. So it is best used when you take some damage, for example soloing, or as a tank, and do not want to rely on a chance. Another good use would be against mobs that have high armor value, as it is not affected by it.


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Mechanics/Stats on proc chances for weapon enchant - by lemekim - 05-19-2005, 04:09 PM

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