The Realms Beyond forums have moved to a new server. You can find the new forums at this link. Our old forums, which were located here, are now closed. When the new forums opened, I moved all the posts from the old forum to the new forum.

Everyone's member information has been moved to the new forums, *except* your passwords (sorry). You will need to manually reset your password. You can do that by going to the new forum index, and clicking "login". You will be taken to an error screen. From the error screen, click on "Forgotten your password? Click here", and fill in your email address into the form. A new password will be mailed to you. You can then log in with your new password, go to your "user CP", and change your password to something you prefer. There are several settings in there that you will probably also want to customize.

If you have any questions, or need help, please email me at

See you on the new forums!
